
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 07:24:16
【高中英语】一道语法题,要解析_______you who turned down the offer.Now you regret ,and that is your fault.A.There is B.It is C.Here is D.That is 如图,甲乙两只蚂蚁同时从A点出发,甲沿着外侧的大圆爬行,乙在里面两个小圆沿“8”字型爬行.如果两只蚂蚁爬行的速度相同,问:是甲先回到A点,还是乙先回到A点?或者是它们同时回到A点?为什 甲乙两只蚂蚁同时从A点出发,甲沿着外侧爬行,乙在里面两个小圆沿“8”字型爬行.如果两只蚂蚁爬行的速度相同.问:甲先到还是乙先到?为什么? 我想给小孩买只点读笔,学海舟点读笔应该不错吧, 化简,只要第一步算式 学海舟点读笔对孩子的帮助大不大. 7岁的孩子是买点读笔好还是买点读机好呢?学海舟这个品牌可以么? 高中语法问题,请详细解答1.Scientists working _B_ a problem they do not know sometimes can't even guess what the final result will be. A. out B. on C. for D. to C为什么不行?2.. As far as we know, there 1 — Isn't it surprising to meet Grace at the conference _Yes,I really didn't think she ___here A would be B would have been 答案为什么不是B,我的理解:这是一个虚拟语气,他不应该在这的,而出现在这了.2As is often the cas 1How much vinegar did you put in the soup I'm sorry to say ,_____.I forgotA no B no none C nothing D what2The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the IPAD2 more comfortable_______.A held B holding C be held D to hold If you are planning to spend your money having fun this week,better____(forget)it---you've got some big bills coming.填什么? 三条直线两两相交,形成12个角,其中同位角有几对,内错角有几对?同旁内角有几对? 物体自由下落时,它所经过的距离h(米)和时间t(秒)之间可以用关系式h=5x(t的平方)来描述.上海金茂大厦观光厅高340米,如果从观光厅掉下一个物体,自由下落到地面约需_____秒(用含根号 判断下面每题中的两种量是否成反比例,并说明理由 (1)长方形的长一定,面积与宽.(2)圆柱的高一定,判断下面每题中的两种量是否成反比例,并说明理由 (1)长方形的长一定,面积与宽.(2) You won’t believe how much there is to do in getting a visa.You need to have a birth certificate and _______ personal papers and fill out a bunch of forms.A.the other B.another C.other D.others 1.At last,we found ourselves in a pleasant park with tress providing shade and () down to eat our picnica.sitting b.sat我选a了 为啥不行?2.()of the truth of the reports,he told his colleagues about it.a.convincing.b.convinced3.A man's first car 以生命的宽度为话题的作文 求贝壳完整阅读答案 家的温暖 作文150字老师 数学初一上学期题(要带过程),在线等!快!1 计算 (-1)²*2+(-2)³/4=?2 化简 -2x²y+xy+13xy-(-5x²y) 3 化简 3a-(2b-a)+b4解答题先化简,再求值 3(2x+1)+2(3-x) 其中x= - The director always wants me to make sure ( ) the doors before I leave the work.A.I will lockB.I lockC.my lockingD,for locking 在三角形ABC中,角ACB等于90度 CD为AB边上的高 如果AC等于17 BC等于10 CD等于8 那么BC边上的长为什么大神 在三角形ABC中 角C=90度 AB=10 AC=6 求BC .求面积 一道高中语法题they stayed with me three weeks,_____ they drank all the wine i had.A wich B during which time C which time D during which 高中语法题一道It was the first National Day ______ they happened to meet each other again in the crowd admiring the colored lanterns.A.that B.when C.before D.on which 为什么不选A啊 判断下面个题中的两种量是否成正比例,并说明理由 长方形周长一定,它的长与宽,正方形的边长和它的周长 长方形的周长一定,它的长和宽. 判断两个量是否成反比例的关系的说明理由. 设A为3阶可逆方阵,且各行元素之和均为2,则A必有特征值2,为什么? 一个长方形的周长是20厘米,这个长方形的长和宽是否成反比例?请列表分析后说明理由 CAD怎么使标注线性显示成只有数字不要直线这些. 贝壳 席慕容一文 短小精悍 言简意赅 给了你什么启示? 贝壳一文中,有什么启示