
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 10:36:06
Th students have finished their homework (按老师的吩咐)(as) The students have their exams in July.(否定句,一般疑问句,肯定回答,否定回答)The boy is working hard on his exams.(否定句,一般疑问句,肯定回答,否定回答) A.that B.one C.it D.what答案为B,请解释.Seeing my best friend again,after all these years was an unforgettable moment __,I will always treasure,这是完整的句子 英语翻译是这个 上面那个不全 want to grow old with you even if nothing exciting,whether you listen to your ears every day nagging me silly smile still on your side` 谁可以翻译下 谁能帮我翻译adam sandler - grow old with you 这首歌Adam Sler - I wanna Grow Old With You i wanna make you smile whenever you re sad carry you around when your arthritis is bad all i wanna do, is grow old with you I ll get you medicine when y I think should be frienfly to others,if you do it,you will have a lot of friends这句话有毛病没 this is mr li from china,this is mrs green from america,___________?hou do you do ________?填空 mrs.li called me from china this morning的意思 英语:they looked forward with courage to whatever the future btoughtwith courage在这里是干什么的? They are looking forward to with hope_____(hear) form you soon. They are looking forward with hope ____ a satisfying reply from the manager.A.to receiveB.receivedC.receivingD.to receiving i think a good friend makes me l_____ 英语翻译.no as long as you are nice to me treat me good I will think you are very good 松鼠能贮存冬粮.改为拟人句可我又上哪儿给它找去?改为陈述句照片上的老人默默地注视着盘旋翻飞的周围海鸥们.修改病句 I heard more _____ in this room than in that room.(laugh) 拼成一句话 seven it is o'clock It is seven o'clock in the___.空有哪几种填法呀? a:Is he heavy or thin?b:___a:yes,he is heavyb:No.he is thin c:Yes,he is d:He is heavy Jack is not heavy or thin.He ( ) 古诗文朗诵配乐我有很多的古诗文要配乐朗诵,用什么音乐配比较好啊!比如说短歌行,西洲曲,从军行,苏幕遮,浣溪沙,蝶恋花,念奴娇等 what was the largest island in the world before Australia was discovered?这句话怎么翻?澳大利亚不是世界上最大的岛屿啊? all the clerks like to work with jenny.her smile is____ in this gloomy office.A the breath of lfe B a breath of fresh air C short of breathD out of breath what water was like的意思快. what was the biggest ocean in the world before balboa discovered the pacific ocean 1.i can’t stand_(work)with jane in the same office. I think that this hostel is____than that one.(one)He is the______student in our class.(clever)Susan is ___than me .(old)These cakes are the____in the world.(good)Which is ____,this one or that one?(long)Today is ___than yesterday(hot)This is the David is not too heavy or too thin改为同义句 David is ( ) ( ) ( ) li lei is not too heavy or too thin同义句转换 It's seven o'clock.Please ( )-选择题It's seven o'clock.Please ( )A.to wake up him B.wake him up 为什么? It's seven o'clock,please------- A wake up him B wake him up C woke him up D wakes him up Please tell me,Who is she.It is very important .啥意思? 2.There is a b_____in front of my school.Many people save their money there. 5.My mother only tells me the first step to make ice-cream.But I don't know what to do n_____. ——六年级英语首字母填空,给好评.