
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 13:43:39
A-Do you want some chicken?B-No,no food with a face.猜想:B是素食主义者? a bag with food和a bag full of food及a bag of food 有何区别?with与of Her voice was hungry with a need that no amount of food could supply. “霜叶红于二月花”的上一句什么意思? 保持句意不变改:Grandma doesn't even know what WTO is.(Grandma doesn't know what WTO is____ ____.括号里的是要改的 He doesn't know what he will say. she doesn't know what to say这个歌词是哪首歌?还有一句歌词是she is afraid afraid. he's worked at a hospital since last year.这里的he's 是 he is 还是 he has 还有就是 he is gone 与he has gone 区别是什么啊。 根据单词的释义完成单词的拼写:1.()father's father2.()father's sister3.()the child of aunt or uncle. 在A.father, B. brother, C. boy , D.sister中选出不同类的那个单词 sister的对应词是什么 请翻译成英语:当我收到包裹后立即给你汇款. 请翻译成英语:好的,明天给我寄50盒DSKIEUE,收到包裹立即汇款给你. li didn't know(what to do)为什么how to do it后要加it,这个却没有? Nancy has been in china for last year.错在哪? 用AABB式叠词写句子 我会写出颜色的词和AABB式叠词各4个 sister的s发音相同的单词 sister的i和fifteen的i是一样的读音吗 skin food的各个系列分别适合什么年龄段使用?不要问我年龄肤质什么的,我把系列都列出来,回答时复制然后依次在后面标注就可以了黑色大蒜系列啤酒花系列鲑鱼亮眼系列鲜果C/蔬果E龙舌兰仙 Skin Food你好哈!请问你知道怎样才能网购到skin food正品么?我是手机党. 英语翻译什么!我竟然没有赶上!我真希望我没有去迪士尼!make在这里是什么意思? Helen doesn't know the way to the museum.(改为同义句) Helen doesn't know ( ) ( )( )to the museum. Jim doesn't know how he can swim同义句怎么改 I don't know how I can get to the museum.(改为同义句)I don't know _ _ _ the museum Last year I came to this factory and I have been working here ( )A ever since B after that time C from then on D then 我想请问为什么选A 不选C 都是从那时起的意思是吧? If my lawyer had been here last Saturday,he would have prevented me from going.句子分析.为什么从句是过去完成,而主句是现在完成呢?THKS! “我们刚收到寄给你的包裹”请翻译成英语 为什么树木落叶是为减少蒸腾作用,而不是减少呼吸作用? I am sorry I did not say anything about ityou have not said a word about my new dress ,mary ,do you like it I am sorry I did not say anything about it ,think it is pretty on you ,在这个句子中I am sorry I did not say .是 虚拟语气吗 温带地区树木落叶的意义是人们常用秋风扫落叶来形容温带地区秋天的景象,温带地区树木落叶的意义是 请翻译为英语:奥运会前还能邮递包裹吗?