
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 04:14:19
We all know that threty percent of the earth's surface is covered by l_.根据首字母提示完成单词 Some people like classical music,________others like popular songs.A.which B.if C.whereas D.whenever我觉得应该是while,能不能说一下理由呢? Just say happy New Year to everyone in this platform Happy New Year ! I belive that i will be a doctor in the future这句话有错误么RT My brother is (piaying basketball).对括号里提问kuai 汉语意思 ki^起亚 汽车是哪国的? Who helps tourists find their way?就实际情况简略回答.六点半前回答.快 —your brother_basketball?a、does play B、can playB是对的,但是a为什么是错的 fried cabbage 是不规则动词吗 would you like fried cabbage or salad?的答语 chopped pork fried year cake如何翻译 英语翻译Over the years,I have gotten more involved in the planning of the action and stunts on my American movies. this is red a pen的提问 生活随笔,励志篇,50字 怎样区分however和instead?它们都有转折的意思.怎样区分呢? (请告诉我怎样做才能不伤害你)的英语翻译谢谢了, 耍太极拳的英文怎么说?例:some old people ( ) taijiquan yangge是什么意思呢,初一英语书上的"some old people __Taijiquan,They __yangge" they _________ some old people in their town.前句:yesterday was sunday ,but the children were very busy. 用however造句(并列句) first round of admission decisions!In order for Erjia’s application to be included in the first round of admission decisions,we must receive the missing item(s) no later than February 15.今天早上我申请的某所学校给我发了封邮件.其 He returned to his wife after a year- long romance with a woman of 21 . these workers are very friendly_us The topic of low-carbon life is very popular and morden these days. the workers worked very hare.they so were often praised by theer boss(改错)拼错了- 是 hard 、their The t expression are very important in our life.We sound polite with these ...The t( ) expression are very important in our life.We sound polite with these three expressions. my mother will ___for some time,A leave B away C be away D be left was frist与came first的区别.为什么Who was first?与Who came first?的翻译一样,可用词却不一样. 甘肃兰州高中物理配套练习必修1参考答案人教版北师大的(普通高中新课程实验教科书) 建筑工人安装塔手架进行高空作业,有一名建筑工人由于不慎将抓在手中的一根长5cm的铁杆在竖直状态下脱落了,使其做自由落体运动,铁杆在下落过程中经过某一楼层面的时间为0.2s,试求铁杆 match made in heaven是什么意思