
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 23:11:13
无差别的人类劳动是指?A每个生产者的具体劳动 B实用价值和价值的交换关系 C创造使用价值的劳动 D生产商品的劳动 改病句:“哈利波特”这本书写得生动有趣,我很早就想看.今天终于借到了,我非常高兴极了,一放学,我就迫不及待地拿起书,如饥似渴地读起来.读了这本书,使我受到不少启发. 修改病句:我最爱看《快乐大本营》和《哈利波特》这两个节目. how can they believe ___________ such a thing. if they ever get such a thing at all 怎么翻译 是不是指人类的体力和脑力,但为什么会无差别,例如人做数学题,做一题压轴题和一题基础题所用的脑力也不一样啊,还有挖钻石和石油的与耕田的相比所用的体力也不一样啊,这样才会有价值 The accident caused some____to my car,but it is nothing serious.A.harm.B.injury.C.ruin.D.damage. I don't know (that who) is responsible for the car accident(that who)哪里错了呢? could do such thingA.whom do you thinkB.who do you thinkC.Do you think whom选哪个,请详解, ( )he ( ) such a thing?A.Can do B.should does C.can does D.can did He came earlier than( ) A.being expected B.to be expected C.expecting D.expected麻烦把我祥解一下 If it should snow tomorrow,they couldn’t go out.这是虚拟语气吗?为什么? To my joy ,I ()(meet)one of my friends He was ___(surprise) to meet me here.是用surprised还是surprising?不是be surprised at 么, I meet my friend.meet 后面要加to吗? Thanks for () for me A make a roomB C DB making roomC make roomsDmaking an room是用a room还是an room If they ____ earlier than expected,they ____ here now.A. had started would beB. started might beC. had started would have beenD. will start might have been答案是A,但是我觉得应该选 C,大家帮我看看! Nancy likes swimming and lily also likes it同义句Nancy likes swimming and ____ ___lily ‘I was very busy yesterday .改为间接引语 He said he .怎么改, Kelly Clarkson stronger 中英文对照 1.They expect to (learn something useful){对括号内提问)__ __they expect to learn?2.The game shows are meaningless (用educational改为选择疑问句)_____ the game shows meaningless_________educational? they announced they're no longer going to focus on their own retail outlets,but rather on the mail order side of the business instead大师给看看下啦~ if worse comes to worse,I think I will be a dishwasher 求翻译 Worse Comes To Worst 歌词 to make thing worse 有这个短语么, 就in a month提问They will leave Bj in a month. 如果你迟到,老师会疯的.If you are late,the teacher _____ _____ ______.(还有个选择题哦下面)Do you know if she _____ in the final talent show?I am not sure ,either.If she _____ ,her fans will be crazy.A wins,doesn't Bwins,does C wil (My English teacher)is taller than me.对括号提问. 东方神起的英文名是什么?如题 东方神起英文名是 东方神起在中的英文名是什么?完整的…… 读书名言