
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 20:51:24
刻舟求剑作者简介,简洁,拜托快 ,我今天的作业 《刻舟求剑》告诉我们什么 刻舟求剑的故事 刻舟求剑楚人涉江者,其剑自舟坠于水,遽契其舟,曰:“是吾剑之所从坠.”舟止,从其所契者入水求之.舟已行矣,而剑不行,求剑若此,不亦惑乎!1、联系上下文,理解文中加点字的意思.其:求:若 翻译:we've got to find the treasure.listen,you go this way and you o that way!hey! 英语翻译整句又怎么翻,目前觉得是:他点点头,惊讶地发现这个陌生人是他以前所没有见过的类型.猜的, 长L=80cm的细绳上端固定,下端系一个质量m=100g的小球.将小球拉起至细绳与竖直方向成60?角的位置,然后无初速释放.不计各处阻力,求小球通过最低点时,细绳对小球拉力多大?(取g=10m/s2)要有 如图所示,两条长度L=50cm的细线,一端固定于O点,另一端分别系一质点m=0.1g的小球A如图所示,两条长度L=50cm的细线,一端固定于O点,另一端分别系一质点m=0.1g的小球A、B两小球带电量相同.OA被绝 如图所示,长L=80cm的细绳上端固定,下端系一个质量m=100g的小球.将小球拉起至细绳与竖直方向成60度角的位置(细绳已拉直),然后无初速释放.不计各处阻力,则小球运动到最低点时,x细绳对 在竖直的转轴上,细线ac长50cm,bc长40cm,在c点系一质量为m=2kg的小球,b和c始终在同一水平面上,求当w=4rad/s时,绳子bc的拉力当w=8rad/s时,绳子bc和ac的拉力 英语翻译Therefore,it is fundamentally important to investigate the mechanism of grain refinement by ECP.In this paper,we support the idea that “crystal rain” is the main mechanism of grain refinement,based on our systematic experiments.词组 英语翻译 Where are the boys?They _basketball over there just now.A were seen play B were seen to play请给出原因 There is a boy _(play)basketball on the playground. We can't call a man_________.A.Miss B.Sir C.Mr 选哪个? We often call a man who delivers letters to your housea ____后面些什么 英语完形填空题When we talk about a bad man,we like to call him a "wolf"的讲解, 如图所示,小球质量m=0.8kg,用两根长L=0.5m的细绳栓住并系在竖直杆上的A、B两点,已知AB=0.8m,当直杆转动带带动小球在水平面内绕杆以ω=40rad/s的角速度匀速转动,求上下两根绳上的张力.g=10m/s^2 如 ★英语句子中有没有"the little"这个词? 小球AB质量均为m,用长为L轻杆连接,竖直放在墙边,轻轻震动B球,使AB开始运动,A下降L/2时两球速度?不计一切摩擦 The little boy is (sweeping the floor).求教我,就()部分提问 Su Hai is sweeping the floor.(对is sweeping the floor 提问)_____ is Su Hai ______? Lily is sweeping the floor(改为现在完成时) I need A.to sweep the floor B.sweeping the floor C.sweepthe floor D.swept the floor What are the little boys doing on the floor?They are playing with t_ These are his grandparents.(一般疑问句)——his grandparents? are,watches,these,not,his如何连词成句? are,not,these,grangdparents,his连词成句 We should speak to the old man like that.(改为含被动语态的否定句)The old man _ be _ _ like that. like 后面的名词是用原形吗?如 I like (hippo) very much Fuck!Tired of being the pet feel!Tired of all what morals?Really depressed!Want to die 中文是 James Blunt的 carry you home 中英歌词