
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:43:46
英语翻译我要的是这句话代表的意思。前面这3个答案,说的都不一样,到底哪个才是? 英语翻译a year by the end of decade 请务必翻译清楚 一个人的性格是怎么形成的 《马克思恩格斯全集》读后感 马克思传读后感一千字左右 为什么我补英语回来都会腰酸背痛我就是讨厌英语``每次补英语回来都会腰酸背痛``` 为什么捏` Don't drop that vase请问这句解释为:不要丢掉花瓶,还是不要掉下花瓶呢? 为什么弹力的方向总是跟接触面垂直不要抄袭百度百科...求解释意思哈 弹力的方向一定与接触面垂直吗拜托各位了 3Q 弹力的方向始终与接触面垂直这句话对吗?斜方向 拉着水平的物体,那拉力的方向是沿着竖直方向还是沿着绳子的方向? Tom __(drop)the vase and___(break)it a moment ago 一个翻译问题.clipped box 原句是 shallow avenues of clipped box ask if you can sit down for a family meeting to talk about them翻译 W:Don't talk down to me,Frank!Whether you like it or not,I know just as much about the subject as you do,if not more.M:But,Nancy,I really think my experience has been much more relevant. talk me down 明确一点,简单易懂一点 Don't——(drop)the wase横线填什么? And don't worry about the vase 【有声】新概念英语全四册课文朗读和单词背诵怎么样 Promise to forget but cann't forget是什么意思 “业精于勤,荒于嬉”是韩愈的一句名言.如果以《“勤”与“嬉”》为题写一篇文章,最好运用什么思考来构思?并应着重写出“勤”的什么,“嬉”的什么? Please don’t drop litter _______,you should throw it into the dustbin _______.A.careless; careful B.carelessly; careful C.carelessly; carefully D.careless; carefully please don't litter 这句是什么意思还有这句 dlspose of properly 都叫什么意思呢 Are you kid me?是正确的吗? YOU ARE GONNA GO FAR,KID歌词 韩愈说“业精于勤荒于嬉”请在写出一个与此类似的名言 the wise blind manblind people can't see with their eyes ,but they have a sense of touch that helps them see .there is a blind man .he has a super sense of touth .people all think he is great .the king hears about this ,but he does't believe it.he sa Remember the promise you 在耶稣出生的故事里the Wise Men是谁 Men often remember the love,because romantic. we call people from India Indians Indians 为什么加s 谁知道you are gonna go far kid哪能下谁知道you are gonna go far kid哪能下. 业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随谁 写的?急!