
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:13:00
开头字母是K的英文名我叫杨骐祯 想要一个K开头的英文名 不要拼音 目前只有10分. 一个英语选择题----高手帮忙We should _____ primary importance to job training.A:concentrate B:devote C:attach D:emphasize 选出答案,并解释原因,谢谢. ( ).--You can't wear jeans when you have PE classes.--________.A.I'm sorry.B.Yes,Mr.li.C.Sorry,I won't.D.Thanks,I agree. 一个英语的选择题---------务必高手帮忙(1)In the depths of my momory,many things I did with my father still live.These things have come to represent,in fact,what I call joy and love.(2)I don’t remember my father ever getting int Tom!,Mum?Please come and help me.A.Yes B.What请各位英语高手告诉我这里是填A还是B,还是二个答案都可以,它们之间有区别吗?这道题选自初三模拟考试题,它的标准答案是B.What(不知道答案是否有错).但我 简短的男英文名、我姓付、不过最好是开头字母是C的、意义好点的、谢了、 谁能帮我起个开头字母是T,中间是F后面有J或G的英文名? 想起一个名开头字母为V,姓开头字母为R的英文名 ..E.G.Vampire Ryks 最好是酷一点的...我可是女生喂 -0-/// (带中文的,) 名字叫 怡真,不知什么英文名合适.姓开头字母是Z 想要类似 柏语boyu这样的!另外我今年16岁 give me some cup please改为同义句 give —— —— —— ——,please Give me a book please的完整句子是什么?Give me a book please这句要是用主语YOU的话 完整的句子怎么说 Please give me a cup.的同义句 Please_a cup_ _. Please give me some 对比句,对称句 来几句骂人的话(带幽默的)多多益善 很搞笑损人的话不求伤心的 不求刻薄的 只要最搞笑的 The committee is responsible for making ___________ the intelligence tests.A、up of B、up C、of D、from 1.Bill likes bananas,he likes_____,too.A.straw berry B.strawberries C.strawberrys D.strawberres2.--Let's have oranges.--________.A.That's sound good B.That sound good C.That's sounds goodD.That sounds good 1.It’s Sunday today.You needn’t ( )so early this morning.A.got up B.to get up C.getting up D.have got up2.She couldn’t bear ( ) fun of like that.A.made B.being making C.being made D.making3.I don’t mind her ( ) at the party.A.wear jewels B.we 初中英语(根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词) 三个字的词,除了人名,骂人话等,如:交响曲,协奏曲古典一些或者是旋律.主要是配得上:萌动萌动什么什么什么 ‘而’的具体用法? 英语翻译A report issued on the Psychology stated,"the progress of human beings stems not so much from the innovation of science and technology introduced by geniuses as from the dreams of making a difference to the world in common people's mind. 写出与“冰雪”有关的五个成语RT 1.Li Ling,did,to,was,so,schooi,yesterdag,not,he,ill,go2.did,Lucy,laugh,why,now,just 军事成语举例 关于冰雪的成语 成语举例不仅诗中有科学,成语中也有科学.如:回光返照,指太阳落下地平线时,由于光的反射,又有短时光亮,用来比喻事物灭亡前短暂兴旺,十分形象.请你也举一个这样的成语,并作简略说明. 模仿组歌写一篇散文诗 表现出对人生的思考 宁静的夏天,天空中繁星点点是什么歌? 仿写组歌写散文诗 仿照组歌写一篇散文诗300字 有哪样拐着弯骂人的短语?就像“本科竹子系”这种~