
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:49:24
英语翻译9) Carlyle explains the epithet thus:"First then,let no one from the title Gehoernte (Horned,Behorned),fancy that our brave Siegfried,who was the loveliest as well as the bravest of men,was actually cornuted,and had horns on his brow,thou exercise的词组变化 exercise有什么形式? He has gone to Hongkong twice.last year.这句话对吗?应该是 has been to "make exercise"这个短语正确吗 the teacher looked at the boy ------- (angry) ---The teacher looked at her students__when they were saved.---We also felt____for them.选项见补A.happily;happy B.happy;happily C.happy;happy D.happily;happyplease talk some reason~Thank U为什么大家都说flet是系动词,你们怎 The hard teacher looked at her students____her thick glassesA.fromB.inC.byD.through The students have to follow the teacher's advice,haven't they改错 建丽怎么起英文名 给“学丽”的起个英文名我姓陈,女, 丽平的英文名是什么 非凡丽致 英文名1.非凡丽致2.非凡丽致婚纱影楼非凡丽致是做婚庆服务的...因为有用所以请高手帮忙翻译一下1..和2..简单易记的最好. exercise可数不可数? 名字里有瑾字怎么取英文名?无 陆蠡 的读音是什么? 【遮拾】的读音和解释在试卷上看到【遮拾】这个词语,以前没有见到过.想问一下【遮拾】的正确读音和其注释. 本人现大二,刚考完六级,想直接考BEC高级,没接触过中级,不知何种程度可以直接考高级?如果要考高级,想问是不是中级高级的学生用书都要买?词汇书要么?还有,听力要怎么提高呢?求各路大侠帮 BEC高级考过的请进 六级成绩521,不过没怎么好好复习.想考高级,可以吗 I'd like a bowl of noodles.句子中对a提问 he'd like a bowl of noodles with eggs and tomatoes对划线部分提问划线部分;with eggs and tomatoes .( )( )( )noodles would he like traditional是什么词性,有什么同根词 按照所示词性写出与下列词同根的词month(adv.)_____miserable(n.)_____criticism(v.)_____arrived(n.)_____ Tom isstill a student.(同义句)Tom is still (填空)(填空). 《我不是懦夫》好题真卷答案 我不是懦夫 1)结合语境,解释下面句中加括号的含义1.说什么也没有用了,我(万念俱寂)的把书扔到一旁2.我(艰难)地扶着栏杆,借助步行器(慢慢)地爬起来,(又一次)咬紧牙关,推起步 我不是懦夫点击答案 我不是懦夫阅读答案本文以第一人称自述______,真实地表达了________,抒发了_______的决心本文通过对自己_________、___________、_____________等描写,真切的表达了自己复杂的思想感情.比如“____________ 英语翻译医院的能能检查科 请英语高手帮我检查下翻译,在线急等,谢谢~~说起我的祖国中国,我忍不住想你介绍她的伟大. 中国是世界上最古老的国家之一,她拥有悠久的历史和诸多名胜古迹.汉语和汉字是流传了几千年 现在的父母是什么,她们在孩子们的心中是什么样的存在呢? l'd like a large bowl of noodles______ tomato and egg.a.on b.of c.with d.inl'd like a large bowl of noodles______ tomato and egg.a.on b.of c.with d.in 是用of还是用with?