
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 05:51:01
根号2的近似值,构成的集合,是有限集还是无限集说明理由, we hope that we'll take a scholl trip next weekl.同意句 根号三所有可能的近似值 能组成一个集合吗?我知道根号三所有近似值或者根号三近似值全体什么的概念太模糊指示不明确……可是 根号三所有可能的近似值 就包含了所有的精确程度啊?有 高一圆的直线方程在平面上,已知定点A,B且|AB|=2a,如果动点P到点A的距离和到B点的距离之比为2:1,那么动点P移动会形成什么曲线————————————————我分别把A当做原点算了一 Thomas edison lit up the world with his invention ofthe electric light. i think selectric light are the most helpful invention .(对electric lights 提问) Do you have a stamp?Uh-huh.Here.Thanks.Now I_____go to the post office to buy stamps.A.won't B.mustn't not going to D.don't have to you can buy stamps at the post office 翻译 who do you think ____the light Edison is cinsidered ___ it.A to invent ;to have inventedB to have invented ;inventing C.invented to ;to have inventedD.invented ;having invented我看到的答案是选得C 已知直线L与三条平行线a、b、c都相交,求证四条直线L、a、b、c共面.求详解,最好不要统一法 证明一条直线与三条平行线都相交,则这四条直线共面 I am especially glad that Bob decided to come to the party because we hadnt seen him _several monthA.sinceB.untilC.beforeD.for Dear Peter,We're so glad that you're coming to the picnic this Saturday.Let me tellyou the ____ to the picnic place.We'll have our picnic ____ People's Park.You can ____ there by the No.108 bus.The stop is near your house.Go into the park and walk __ 翻译we'll be only too glad to attend your party provided that we can get a baby-sister. we are glad that the party turns out______A.success B.a be succeed D.successful one选B,C错在哪? 三条平行线被一条直线相交 求证在一个平面三条平行线被一条直线相交 求证4条线在一个平面除了统一法还有其他做法吗? 直线x-y-1=0关于x轴对称的方程 ab=ad,ac=ae,∠bad=∠cae,试说明be=cd where _____did you go last week?a.other place b.else c.else place d.other Where___did you go on summer vacation?A、other B、other place C、else D、others 丽丽在计算小数加法,把7.4看成了74这样结果比正确结果多了多少? 丽丽在计算小数加法时把7.4看成74这样结果比正确结果多了多少? we will go ______the party directs us.A.where where C.any where D.the place 这里选什么?说明原因 thanks 计算加法把7.4看成74这样比结果多了多少?为什么是74-7.4=66.6呢? 已知:AB=AD,AC=AE,∠BAD=∠CAE=90°BF=EF求证:AF⊥CD 如图,AB∥CD,∠D=90°,AB=AC,AE=AD且∠CAE=90°,连BE交AC于F点(1)求证BF=EF 如图 已知AD⊥BF,AE⊥CF,垂足分别为D、E,且DF=EF,∠BAF=∠CAF,那么∠BAD=∠CAE吗?为什么? where _ wll you go,children?let us go to Binhai. 英语who was it invented by 用who 还是whom?教科书中是who 为什么有作业本上是whom呢 求教 不要复制或者长篇大论~ 简练 .那是不是whom was it invented by 0.0 与感恩有关的征文500字以上 请问大家下六年级上册数学脱式计算题和应用题熟悉的看下吧,感受大伙了5e