
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:46:15
I believe I will die from you coldness one day 夏洛蒂所遭遇的逆境有:_____、______、______、______、 夏洛蒂姐妹简介姐妹三人的简介! 英语翻译绿蔓如藤不用栽,淡青花绕竹篱开.披衣向晓还堪爱,忽见晴蜓带露来.大意thanks 一种壁灯现在每台售价85元,比原来减少15元.这种壁灯现在每台售价比原来降低了百分之几?29.学校的新教学大楼要用方砖铺教室的地面,用边长4分米的正方形方砖铺正好要500块,如果改用边长5 壁灯安装的高度一般是多少? 发展现状等,设计方面,越多越好,写论文用. You study English well.He studies English well,too.合并You study English well.He studies English well,too.(合并为一句)_______ _______ you _______ _______ he ______ English well Is your brother skate well?哪里错了? is that your brother's study )怎么连句 it' a pity _______(miss) the fotball match还有道 A teacher'work is often c_____ to a candle 这句是根据首字母填写单词 I want keep your yesterday we ___a team from the sunshine town and ___the football match.what a pity.a.played with lost b.played with won c.played forght d.were playing missed 紫色蝴蝶壁灯的作用 壁灯一般功率多少? It's a pity that theconcert has been cancelled.是被动语态吗?平常现在完成时什么情况下会加入been ,什么情况下加入 have been 而不是被动语态 I'm afraid Dr.Lin's plane will be a little late,so he ____not able to get here to take part in in the conference on time.A.can B.might C .should D.must I'm afraid I__________a little late.A.maybe B.may be C.can't be D.can be说明理由。 ——I wonder___.——I'm afraid we will be late 选项见下A.how we can be on time.B.what we are going to do .C.why we get to school late .D.if we will arrive at the meeting on time. 翻译成英语:书桌摸起来很硬;花闻起来香甜 breakfast dofridays what on you for have 连词成句 怎么连 急 ! 英语翻译You're my only one啥意思,谁给我翻译一下中文,要准确无误的翻译喔! 英语翻译 the second book was ____by August 1952,but two years later,the end was still nowhere in sihghtA completed B to have been completed C to complete D to have completed接具体时间不是应该用过去式吗 second hand books 与 used books什么区别?那“二手书”用英文翻译的话,应该用哪一个呢?百科用的是used books... 如何理解世界的物质统一性原理? 关于冬天的现代诗歌 有关冬天的现代诗歌短一点,不要太长了 If you want to see a film ,what do you need?实际情况回答 It's seven o'clock in the morning,some old people are ____ Taijiquan in the park.A.doingB.playingC.havingD.going Can you use your left hand______(draw)pictures will.是将来时,为什么还有过去式 would?