
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 20:53:31
哪位英语强人帮忙修改下这篇文章,看看有哪些错误 (代问)It's30 years since policy of reform and opening-up began.And thanks to it, a large number of deeply changes have taken place in our life. In the past,there were few building 五一节的英文名称是什么 庆祝五一国际劳动节的英文怎么说 五一的英文怎么写 斗破苍穹 的作者 .真TM的无耻见过无耻的 没有见过这么无耻的几乎天天求月票而且说话不算数看到现在好像又在写种马文了 look what you have done 小煜的歌词这是棒棒堂小煜唱的look what you have done, look what you have done谁有这首歌的歌词啊?.. 一个英语短文 还有一篇短文(我好笨.)还是有可能会打错啊 Food is very important.everyone need to___1__well if he or she wanys to have a strong body.our minds also need a kind of food.this kind of food is __2___.we begin to get 小弟写得不怎么好.Happy Angel Mimi“Ha~ppi~Ha~ppi”,shouted the little girl.Could you imaging a one-year-old girl pronouncing the pleasing and beautiful syllable?But this time,I can tell that this is the great work of my angel sister,Mimi.Th 求英语高手点评下小弟的作文In the contemporary world,in this time of revolution of thinking,not only enjoyed in the convenience and easiness provided by the modern technology and manufacture,also do the people concentrate on the environme 英语翻译爸爸让我翻译一个洗发液和护发素的说明书.我英语连两级都难够啊~加到你手软!护发素:Functions:This product magically helps solve andrepair the common problems of hair including dry,split,dull,and hard comb 英语翻译这个家庭中的爷爷是一个很个性的老人,他吸毒,满口脏话.虽然话语很粗鲁直白,却很有说服力,在这个家庭中也很有很强的影响力,他教导孙子的话也让常人听起来无法接受,甚至教小孙 谁有voa standard english 2010年开始的听力 发到我邮箱里quxianggang@163.com 最好有文本的. 求05年下半年VOA standard english 的听力合辑 hydra1412@163.com What I have done 歌词谁有Linkin Park 的歌曲what I have done 的歌词, 英语翻译What have I done Lord Jesus to deserve this endless loveWhat have I done Lord Jesus to be worthy of your graceWhat have I done Lord Jesus to standing here with youWhat have I done Lord Jesus to be worthy of youFor I am nothing yet love me what have i done的歌词是Anna Ternheim唱的哦 浪琴石英手表属于女人手表吗 英语翻译帮我翻译成英文,1、我和我的同学每天放学一起回家.2、爸爸妈妈告诉我不要说谎.3、迈克尔叔叔刚刚去了新加坡.4、当我们不在家的时候,奶奶帮我们照顾小狗.5、我们应该保持环境 浪琴石英手表哪些适合女人呀 听美国voa听力,听special English比较轻松,听standard English 太吃力怎么办? 注意!是william shatner的what have you done这里是歌词:求助下载.. What have you done?怎么回答? What the fuck have you done lately中文翻译 Look what you have done伴奏 look what you have done 地址.空间用. 青岛哪里有卖环球时报英文版或者China daily的? 21世纪报和中国日报,还有环球时报都那个 是中国人写的那为什么总听老师说看21世纪比看中国日报好一点,因为中国日报全是中国人写的,老师这意思好像是说21世纪就是外国人写的似的 英语翻译 我弹吉他给他听的英文 弹吉他的英文怎么写 弹吉他英文怎样读