
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 04:41:49
设f:x→根号x是集合A到集合B的映射,若B={1,2},则A∩B等于 青少年成才的关键是自身能力我是正方,请给我一些能嬴的建议 青少年成才的事例从人物、时代、领域、事迹成就 四方面来总结. The TV set Mr.Smith had had fiexed went wrong again.怎么理解和翻译? 挫折有利于青年人成才的事例成才就是成为有知识能力的人最好能提供一些数据 the watch he had had mended went wrong again我知道he had是定从 had mended是修饰the watch he had的,但是had mended不应该用被动语态吗?the watch是物啊 青年成才关键是自身努力还是外部机遇对于“外部机遇”,这个方向的比较难讲清楚~ 分析一下句子:Jack found the watch he had had repaired went wrong again I was much sad to see the TV I had had ( ) went wrong again. (repaire)请填正确形式,详解十分紧急! I have_____uncle.He is an engineer.A.a B.an C.the要理由 假如我是鸟的天堂的鸟作文 Take your time.中文意思? 设f是集合M=[a.b.c.d.]集合【】的映射.且f[a]加f[b]加f[c]加[d]等于9那么映射的个数是多少对集合有研究的高手来看一下..多谢了感激不尽 带有宾语从句的句子做反意疑问句,以哪个谓语为准?例题:He said she was used to going to be late ,______?A.didn’t he B.did he C.wasn’t she D.was she请问有不同意见么? 【初二英语】---Could you tell me ___ ---He is an engineer.A.what he is B.what does he doC.what he did我觉得选C诶,为什么呢? 我要参加一个英语比赛,在一分钟才艺表演过后,有个 演讲,要自我介绍吗?如果要,怎么说?演讲完了呢?要注意什么?满意加50分 希望之星英语竞赛,初赛一分钟才艺表演,笑话加表演怎么样?希望之星英语竞赛.我是高一女生.初赛才艺表演,笑话加表演怎么样?我找的笑话:英语幽默:Second language A mother mouse was out for a stroll 作文,父与子和二头大象有写好的吗 父与子的作文好 Today he is wearing a new coat.He____.A.looks very cool B.is look very cold C.look cool D.looks like cool选哪个,为什么? 英语翻译Jason is ( ) a lecturer; he is a writer,too.A、rather than B、other than C、less than D、more than _______is he like?--He is serious英语选择题 A How B What C Where D Who He isn't a programmer.He is an engineer.翻译成英文 法语“这只钢笔是谁的”关于名词做主语的疑问句应该是"a qui appartient ce stylo "还是"a pui ce stylo appartient-il?"是不是只要主语是名词,变疑问句的时候都要“名次主语+动词+主语代词+其它”? 关于法语的特殊疑问句我有好几个问题= =下面这句话:M.Dupont va au garage en voiture.1.en voiture划线部分提问,书上答案是Comment M.Dupont va-t-il au garage?我很纠结,这里的t-il是什么情况?2.是不是以元音 关于法语 一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 我这样的理解正确吗?一般疑问句和特殊疑问句都有三种形式.一般疑问句:1.陈述句语序不变,句末语调上升.Vous etes Chiniois?Paul travaille toujuor dans cette usine?2.陈 Our english teacher asked us not to make mistskes in g___again when we make new sentences 英语填空:The teacher tells us to be careful when we are doing the___(实验). 英语完成句子:______(非常重要的)is to concentrate on your teacher when learning in the classroom Do you know the man ______ a book in his hand?用has或者用with的理由我知道用with 但是不用has的理由是什么?讲清楚点 Our teacher entered the classroom,book in hand.另一句是Our teacher entered the classroom,with a book in his hand.为什么两句伴随状语要不同呢? 2010希望英语大赛时间安徽合肥赛区