
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:33:21
交流电磁线圈误接入对应直流电源,直流电磁线圈误接入对应交流电源,将发生什么?为 额定电压相同,交流电磁线圈误接入直流电源或直流线圈误接入交流电源会发生什么现象问题?为什么? 生活说明书怎么样 桌子75米,桌子高度是椅子高度的1.6倍还多11米,请问椅子多高 3M胶耐酸碱吗? 翻译there are certain clothes we feel comfortable in and which we would wear in preferanceto all others求翻译 这句怎么翻译半天翻译不通and more importantly she must be comfortable with who she is not.心急 A lot of people visited these shops every day because of the highcost of present-day labour.的翻译 Large quantities of food __wasted every day simply because of the young people's bad living habit.A.were B.is C.are D.was In fact,happiness is very simple 怎么读 防冻剂的成份和配方 What are the reasons that cause more and more traffic accidents in China today?帮写一篇短文, 饮水机放出开水的同时水温越来越底,不就因为有冷水同时流进了吗,那这样的开水不就等于没开的冷水吗?向题是我的不是纯净水是自来水啊 电流互感器二次回路功率因数降低时,其电流误差和角误差怎么变化,为什么 为什么电流互感器二次回路功率因数降低时,电流误差增加,角误差减小? 一个半径为4米,圆心角为270°的扇形,用它做一个圆锥,则圆锥的最大体积为多少?(用含“ PAI”的代数式表示) How do you feel about TV shopping?Do you love travelling?Why 澄清石灰水变浑浊的原因 what's the reason?I would feel more comefortable and that is good for studying为什么是would feel 而不是willthat is而不是that will be what's the reason?I would feel more comefortable and that is good for studying如果说这里的would是虚拟语气,那is是否也应该便are呢对不起是变成were,is的虚拟语气不是were吗 Always feel that we are more and more strange.. 这是什么 exit那个 单线圈电流互感器,双线圈电流互感器,三线圈电流互感器的区别是什么,各有什么特点?都是时候用? 求I hate everything about u亲能传我一份ak的I hate everything about 英语翻译Every time we lie awakeafter every hit we takeevery feeling that I getbut I haven't missed you yetEvery roommate kept awakeby every sigh and scream we makeall the feelings that I getbut I still dont miss you yetThree Days GraceOnly when I I hate everything about you AKI hate everything about you 的AK文我说的是要 这篇小说的地址,不是要翻译.不过也谢谢那些翻译的人 ak文 I hate everything about you 地球产生的全过程只是想调查调查. 地球形成的过程 谁知道地球的形成时间和过程 自动雨伞里面装有弹簧,自动打开,收起时需要用手拉回来,那请问:收起时所需拉力跟里面的弹簧力的比例是多少?自动雨伞里面的弹簧,弹簧力是多少? 关于自动雨伞中的弹簧的状态,正确的说法是()a无论雨伞收起或打开,弹簧都受到压力b无论雨伞收起或打开,弹簧都受到拉力c雨伞打开时,弹簧受到压力;雨伞收起时,弹簧受到拉力d雨伞打开