
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:37:29
中国的税是不是分为流转税和增值税 我国目前与增值税形成平行征税的税种 流转税增值税 、流转税概念、计征方法(计算方法) 、流转税税率 流转税纳税人的认定 函数f(x)=(1-x)/ax+Inx是(1,+∞)上是增函数,求正实数a的取值范围 若函数y=ax^2-2x+lnx在定义域内单调递增,则实数a的取值范围 We don't know _____.-It is said that he was born in Canada.A.what he is B.where he was born C.where he comes from D.if he lives here 这一题B.C好像都可以用,实在想不通.要详细一点点哦, —We don't know_____.—It is said that he was born in Canada.A.what he isB.when he was bornC.where he comes fromD.if he lives here ———were you born?———are you?I don’t know you ———is your birtgday?选词填空 1、when 2、what 3、who 4、where He doesn't know ____ is _____he was born.A.that, where B.that,whatC.where,that D.what, where选哪个,为什么?若能从语法角度解释清楚,追加悬赏20分,绝不失言! 污水的一级处理,二级处理,三级处理,深度处理各是什么,它们有什么区别? 《泊船瓜洲 》诗的意思在线等待 二级运算放大与一级放大区别?把一个微弱的信号放大600倍,采用一级放大600倍与二级放大10*60倍有什么区别吗 一道数学题…计算的 三级训练数学题12分之1加20分之1加30分之1加42分之1加56分之1加72分之1等于多少? 设F(X)=LG(1+2^x+A.4^X)/3,其中A属于R,如果X属于(-无穷大,1]时,F(X)有意义,求A的取值范围. 函数f(x)=x+1的定义域为[1,16],F(x)=f(2x)+f^2(x)+1,求函数F(x)的值域 Is this house_he was born in?A.the oneB.thatC.which He ______born in Suzhou.是填is还是was 英语单项选择He dosen't know --------is-------he was born.A.that where B.that what C.where that D.what where请问 选什么 说明理由 8.— Does anyone know _____?— I hear that he was born in Sweden.A.what he is B.when he was born这题选择什么呢? we do not know( ) it is said that he was born in sewdenwhat he isif he lives herewhere he comes fromwhich country is he from理由谢谢了 已知两相交直线的斜率,求其夹角度数的公式求大神帮助 两直线夹角计算公式 两直线夹角公式是怎么推导的?就是这个公式:tanα=|k1-k2/1+k1k2|绝对值 两直线夹角公式已知两条直线方程l1:Ax1+By1+C1=0 l2:Ax2+By2+C=0要求他们的夹角具体怎么求啊? 小女不才,I Was Born To Love You 的意思? 谁有i was born to love you的歌词?! gueen的歌. i was born to be somebody是什么意思 But I was born to love was born to什么意思 一个两层书架,共放书128本,把上层的17本搬到下层,上层的书比下层的还多2本,原来上下两层各放多少本? 已知m属于一切实数R,直线L:mX-(m2+1)Y=4m(注:m2表示m的平方),则直线L斜率的取值范围是什么,