
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 07:38:44
英语翻译翻译句子,Communicating with firends and colleagues ,getting together with people who make you laugh ,will refresh and inspire you. 安徽省合肥市初二英语书是什么样子的 初二英语书34页听力材料翻译的中文8B下册 初二英语听力口语书推荐我现在初二、英语不怎么好、我想提高一下、听力和口语、请推荐一下、谢谢、最好介绍一下、 求英文好的朋友请进,“你是否已经把我忘记”用英文怎么说?如题,一定要准确!不懂的别滥芋充数, 英语好的看一下! 谁英语好告诉下NO matter what happers to you.just walk on and on with big smile on your face what name are you.哪里错了?what nationnality are you?翻译:你是什么国籍?what is your nationnality?翻译:你的国籍是什么?这两句都是对的,可以互相换。下面两句what is your name?翻译:你的名字是什么 what are you name这为什么是错的呢?不是有you都要去用are吗? what you are name? 英语翻译合同里的一个title叫other issues的item到底是什么意思啊? 英语翻译好的请进...急!stop and smell the flowers 翻成中文 要有美感...不要直译...美感 美感四个字、而且不是字面意思、要有引伸意… 各位对不住,学妹求助。。。帮帮忙吧~~~ what are some things that happen on soap operas 中的on 奥运会圣火火中是用什么取得的 what are some things that happen on soup operas? what are some things that happen_____ the soap opera?A.to B.on C,in D.for我觉得应该是选A ,但是是不对的.请发表你的选择并且给予详细的解释, 2008年奥运会开幕式脚印烟花,怎么同时点的火?我要是想把100米内,每隔1米放一根蜡烛,让它们在一瞬间点燃,该咋整?有什么经济一点的方法么?别跟我说一百个人一起点,我要的是同时和瞬间,那 be who you are和be what you are 有甚麼区别? What are you ,和Who are you的含义有什么区别呢? Who are you?与What does you do?有何区别选那个回答:I am a new teacher . be what who you are 我应该是有强迫症,总是觉得水龙头没关,家里被淹了.电风扇没关,门没锁.病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等):总是觉得水龙头没关,家里被淹了.电风扇没关,门没锁.虽然我清楚的知道这绝对不 大家帮我看看这句台词是出自哪个电影的?就是在阿亮的烦恼生活听到的“我现在真的好恨我自己,XXX,你走啊,你走啊”挺有意思的帮我找找AND想想啊找不到了诶 算了 分就白送你好了. 英语翻译When she comes back ,tell her MR Baker telephone翻译成汉语是什么意思? A beautiful woman took a plane on business.She found her seat and sat down ```帮忙翻译是一篇阅读谢 这个故事告诉了我们什么道理,你从中学到和了解到了什么?一对新婚夫妇生活贫困,一天,丈夫对妻子说:亲爱的,我要去很远的地方工作,直到我有条件给你一种舒适体面的生活才会回来.我只求 初二英语一般将来时Tere___(be) a football match next SundayWho____(give) us a talk on the computer in two days?Kids __(not go ) to school in 100 yearsMy father ____(send) me a new bike when I am tall enough_______ everything ______(be) ready 1、Think hard,then you'll have a good idea.--------------------------------------------------------2、This is an interesting book _______________________________________________________- when do you eat lunch?怎么回答 when do you eat lunch的意思是什么 do you usually eat your lunch怎么回答do you usually eat your lunch at home Have you eat your