
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 21:30:18
八年级下学期英语(牛津版)复习提纲,(上海牛津版) 初中八年级第一学期牛津深圳版英语第一课单词全部!马上就要啊!快的追加50分!开头第一个单词是liquid的那个!不是开头clean up的!第一课的标题是Water talk的!不是water! Water talk Daisy was in the bathroom.She was brushing her teeth and tap was on.Water was pouring into the sink and vanishing down the down.‘Turn that tap off’,a voice said loudly.daisy froze.She looked round,but saw no one .’turn that tap off 我有一个黑人朋友,跟他一起可以提高我的口语水平,可是又不知道说什么, 英语翻译《情深深雨蒙蒙》——翻译成英文情深深雨蒙蒙多少楼台烟雨中记得当初你侬我侬车如流水马如龙尽管狂风平地起美人如云剑如虹啊情深深雨朦朦世界只在你眼中相逢不晚为何匆匆 请教大侠(二把刀英语水平的朋友请绕行,),这段话用英语怎么说?希望比较纯正的英美正式用语.驾校教练在训练时对学员说:如何正确使用离合器呢?当你需要踩离合器必须一踩到底,不能只踩 有关慈善的英语作文老师留的作业,请速回!写好点. 怎样可以在短时间内提高英语口头交流能力? 英语不好,怎么与外商交流呢.短时间内怎样提高英语为好. 译林牛津,八年级英语下册电子课本 八年级英语书第四单元什么是HONGSHANHU KAISHANDAO 初一英语下册教与学答案U4 动词如何加ING形式? 英语翻译B:Tom,the report is too good to you.T:Well,I think I had a good day.B:Tom,I wasn't born yesterday.(第一句里的too是否定的意思吗?) 英语翻译-Since you can't find a better way out for the time being,why not follow his advice -Oh,you are right.I don't care.-Oh,you are right.I might as well.(打错了) 英语翻译A; how do you think the transport system in our city could be improved.B; I think that the public transport system could be made simpler.I never know where the bus routes actually go.The routes seem to twist and turn rather than going rou 英语口语中“随便”怎么说?语境:我问你想吃什么,你回答说随便. 英语翻译 英语口语中的“准备”怎么说?对方发出命令,某人就绪以后,说了句"Arrange"(好像是这么说,我不知道有没有听错).是不是这样的啊?查了词典arrange好像只是动词啊,能单独使用吗?就一个词,发 the first time的句子什么时候用过去时,什么时候用完成时? 用by the time造4句话!谢 原生物身体结构有什么特点 英语作文改错My opinions on cheatingNowadays,exam has become one of the most important tools to judge how the student is.Who can past or have a high grade has a great meaning for his school life or career.All the students try their best to pass. 生物的身体结构、行为习性是生物的什么结果 用反复句式造句再用下面的词造句忽而......忽而......忽而......假如......假如......假如...... 用只要...只要....一定会...的句式造句 形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式专项练习题四)翻译句子:1. 本书跟那本书一样有趣.This book is _____ _____ _____ that one.2. 你游泳没有你弟弟好.You can’t swim _____ _____ _____ your brother.3. 今天 by the time 引导时间状语从句是现在完成时,主句用什么时态By the time you have finished this book,your meal __cold.Aget Bhas got Cwill get Dis getting. by the time 后面接什么时态时主句是用现在完成时?例子? 英语作文求改错Beijing Opera is a national treasure of China. Actor play one of four roles: Sheng, male roles, Dan, female roles, chou, clown roles and jing roles. Beijing Opera tell stories from Chinese history and folklore. My favorite pla 如果说自己的动手能力比较强,也就是实践能力比较强,用英语怎么说? “动手能力”用英语怎么说?