
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 07:12:21
我经常见别人说 着两个词 另外就是 [帖]子 [贴]都是啥意思 我分不清楚/// BBS是什么,有什么用途,网络用语“潜水”“灌水”是什么意思? Everybody was touched ( )words after they heard her moving A.beyondB.withoutC.ofD.in .Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story.A.beyond B.without C.of D.in.Everybody was touched _ words after they heard her moving story.A.beyond B.without C.of D.in Everybody was touched___words after they heard hermoving story.A.beyond B.without C.of D.in求翻译. 翻译两段话对于是否应该在大学期间详细规划自己的未来,学生意见不一.有的人认为对未来应该有一个明确的目标和详细的计划,为日后可能遇到的挑战做好充分的准备,有的人则认为不用过多 Everybode was touched___words after they heard her moving storyA.beyond B.without C.of D.in我选B,请问是我错了还是答案错了?为什么选? 英语翻译American cigarette sales are expected to decline by about15% by the end of the decade,a reflection of the move to ban smoking in mostpublic places in the United States.And sales in Western Europe and otherindustrialized countries are also 英语翻译1.17世纪的时候,英格兰有许多人相信巫术.巫师可能是一个老太婆,或是一个年轻女子——有时甚至会是一个成年男子或小男孩.不过,巫师通常都是女人.人们都害怕巫师,因为巫师仅凭 英语翻译因为要面试,我对我技术有信心,对我英语一点信心也没有,只能临时抱下佛教.自我评价:在大型企业工作2年以上,熟练掌握从SQL SERVER,ORACLE,SYBASE等数据库中抽取各种数据,有管理和维护 匀速行驶的车里,一人头上方有一雨点,若急刹车,雨点落在人的前面还是后面,或者啥地方 雨点什么什么要填成语 为什么雨点落在玻璃上留下的却是泥点 关于驿马传递信息的故事.(简短)快 落什么什么水 回帖时总说的沙发是什么意思? 回帖时, Eevrybody was touched ———— words after they heard her moving story为什么用beyond而不用without 反义疑问句 He must be a worker,I wish to use your ruler, He is supposed to ...变反义疑问句 用心中的雨点,徘徊,沐浴写一个短文 200字到300字急 He's back to England,____?He's been to England,____?He's to return to England,____?改成反义疑问句 It is a w_____ book,so everyone wants to read it.因为回答人太多,所以只选第一个,见谅! the book is r______ intersted and everyone wants to read it.简要说明一下就OK了 I`will miss you the 那个...一个朋友的心情` 有没有靠谱的解释,速求.. ()Harry Porter is ___ interesting book that almost everyone wants to read it.A the most B such an the power of the King will isolate 论民事诉讼中的诚实信用原则 (论述题) 谁知道论述题诚信在社会交往中的意义这道有关马哲的答案? 谁记得云南信用社今年笔试的论述题啊?怎么表述的 四川农村信用社招聘是不是只有选择、判断和作文,到底有没有问答题和论述题呢 网络用语——第一个回帖的不叫第一,叫