
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 01:27:33
找错题We are all for your proposal that the discussion is to be put off.找错题We are all for your proposal that the discussion is to be put off.“is to be put off”错了,是不是因为 应该用虚拟语气,即should be to be put off 因为 How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London Heathrow Airport?A.about six hoursB.about ten hoursC.about sixteen hours必修5 第二单元 Warming up 应该选哪个? have you anything to say ___the proposalwith regard to in consisted inon behalf offor the purpose of 怎么写拟人句优美的一句话 用拟人句的写法抓住太阳的特点写一句话 写一句话,那一句话中要运用到排比句、拟人句 帮我把一句话改成拟人句天空的星星一闪一闪的. 在一句话中要有拟人句和比喻句 提起长江,我就会想到成语____,____;提起大海,我就会想起成语__提起长江,我就会想到成语____、____;提起大海,我就会想起成语_____、_____;听人说起“赤朱丹红”,我就想起结构相同的成语_____、 带有海的成语 求马来西亚英文人名求几个马来西亚人的英文名字(马来西亚人名翻译成英文也行),有中英文对照最好了,男女名字不限. mum,the chinese medicine tastes so terrible that i do not want to take it.but ,dear,it is good for you .的中文 The dish ____terrible!I don't like it at all.A.tastes B.tasted C.will taste D.is tasted how about the dish?Wonderful nothing tastes () a nice b better c terrible d worse The meat tastes (terrible) good. to\schllo\get to\does\how long\take\it.连词成句 连词成句 i,how,will,long,to,this,do,have (1/2)Our school held a sports meeting last week.(改为同义句):_ _ a sports mee Last week,our school held an English Week,that started on March4 and ended on 8.All the students and teacher,including two foreign teachers,took part in them .We sang quiet few songs and joined in English speaking contests to develop our interest in Last week ,our school held a basketball match.The school w______ reporter wrote 首字母填空Last week ,our school held a basketball match.The school w______ reporter wrote an a_______ to report this match.But he just told us that No.I team w______ 二战时为什么称德军为“纳粹”? 有关黄河的谚语、俗语说一下有关黄河的谚语 俗语 至少5句并且、选两句造句子 Would you like another cup of tea,Miss Li?No,thanks.I---(have) enough ——Grace,would you like to have ____?——No,thanks.I've had enough.A.any thing more B.more something C.something more D.more anything 为什么? "Would you like____,sir?" "No,thanks.I have had much."A.any more orangesB.some more orangesC.any more orangeD.some more orange为什么不能选B? HOW LONG ______IT________(TAKE)TO GET TO SCHOOL? A few American______visit our school last week 德国纳粹为什么残杀犹太人? 德国纳粹为什么要屠杀犹太人? 有哪些描写黄河的成语 描写黄河气势的成语 When I succeed,she will come back to me?