
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 06:59:16
大风车的半径为2m,每12s匀速旋转一周,它的最低点O离地面0.5m.风车圆周上一点A从最低点O开始,运动105s It is,of course,fitting that... [-B26] -Is it ____ the bad smell that is difficult -Of course.A.how getting rid of B.got rid of C.to get rid of D.being got rid of 翻译并分析 drum和hear的同类词 Of course,if it is as simple explanation as that it was something strange and mind boggling you saw just before going to bed,then for sure it didn't have any more profound meaning than just a brain cleaning in sleep.That's the basic reason for our dr OPC drum 中的OPC是具体哪些词的缩写?OPC drum是感光鼓,硒鼓的意思,它是不是一些单词的首字母缩写呢?哪位大虾知道OPC具体是什么意思,是哪些词的缩写,请赐教一下,.. excel里的MONTH函数怎么用?例如A2=2008-4-15,怎么从中提取月份,MONTH(A2)显示出来是1900-1-6,应该怎么弄?MONTH(DATE(2008,4,15))显示出来是1900-1-4 与理想遥感系统相比,实际遥感系统有哪些共同缺点?希望全面点,谢谢 数字从1~9的英文怎么写? “丁克一族”的权威定义是什么最好有出处 Human Resources Department和Personnel Department是不是一样的? 怎么翻译the Beijing Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security God saw that it was good.翻译的是“神看着是好的”但是这句话要怎么理解啊 中文文字问题.有一个词,经常在小说里面见到,就是贵x…x很像胃字的,那个字读音是什么?第几声? He said that I was a flirtatious You appraisement is right, Thank you! I felt that you are a Good woman. but ,I was not so good!翻译 中亚的巴尔喀什湖东部盐度高,西部盐度低,的原因 巴尔喀什湖有明显的咸淡之分,其盐度哪里高(东部或西部)?哪里低(东部或西部)?原因各是什么?巴尔喀什湖在中亚 这是高中地理问题 financial services指的是什么我知道包括BANK SERVICE 和STOCK MARKET,那还有什么``FUND算吗``那MONEY蔼SUPPLY 和INTEREST RATE应该包括在BANK里的喔``? 什么是遥感波段负荷量?怎样选择单波段的TM图像合成标准假彩色图像啊?选择的依据是什么啊? (英语好的进)Card Iocked!这句话的意思,这是照相机....如果锁了该怎样解啦.. 英语好的进,It doesn't matter.Forget it and happy new year. OMG HKT,Vietnamese don't like that band anymore for sure because of their character and bad behavior 巴尔克什湖为什么是一半淡水湖一半咸水湖 割绳子实验室版的手提糖果第11关怎样玩? iphone糖果怪兽(割绳子)的第五个箱子的18关怎么吃三个星RT 谁有糖果怪兽(割绳子)的第五关Cosmic Box - 23关的攻略.有视频最好,百度出来的文字有点儿看不懂呀~ “That was that”的意思急求"that was(is) that"的意思,快!急! He bowed to make a sincere apology for his foolish offence assuming that her identity was fake...He bowed to make a sincere apology for his foolish offence assuming that her identity was fake. 分析句子成分.急!在线等! 割绳子24关怎么过是布盒 割绳子实验室篇,射击糖果第25关怎么玩? 割绳子太空盒第24关怎么过