
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 09:56:33
如图所示,物体P放在粗糙水平面上,左边用一根轻弹簧与竖直墙相连,物体静止时弹簧的长度小于原长.若再用一个从0开始逐渐增大的水平力F向右拉P,直到拉动,那么在P被拉动之前的过程中,弹 什么公司需要换热器 尼龙软管的包装长度, 不定代词谓语动词用单数还是复数? 船只航行时顺逆风顺逆流与何种地理要素有关?气候的大陆性和海洋性的差别?气候的大陆(海洋)性等同于大陆(海洋)性气候吗? led be led 什么叫换热器?换热器有哪几种形式? 换热器结构类型及特点 换热器规格BES1200-2.5-400-6/25-2I 尼龙料做扎带需要多少温度 白色尼龙扎带用什么料最省成本? I told him( ) in front of me.A.sitB.to sitC.sittingD.sat I took him to the cinema.Whom did you took to the cinema?That man Yes,he's the man whom I took took to the cinema.请帮我看看二三句有没有错,错在什么地方,怎么改 I took him to the cinema.1.I took him to the cinema.Whom did you took to the cinema?that man?Yes,he's the man that I took to the cinema.2.I drove her to London.Whom did you drove to London?That girl?Yes,she's the girl I drove to London.这个是我 The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street,but his mother told him_______.为什么只能填not to而不是not to do或是not to do it 三角形物块A靠墙放在直立于地面的轻弹簧上处于平衡状态,今将小物块B轻放在物块A的斜面上,下列描述可能成立的是 ( ) D.若B沿斜面下滑,则A会向右离开墙壁若B沿斜面下滑,具有沿斜面向下的 煮沸的开水用冷水浇灌后,又重新沸腾,这是为什么 厨房火灾如何处置 尼龙 物理性能试验要求的国家标准关于国家标准中对尼龙66或尼龙6物理性能要求,国家标准编号及要求 哪位有100句背7000单词的mp3?俞敏洪编的那个!发给我吧!我的邮箱是lilimaomaoing@163.com 我想问道英语题.let's meet in front of the cinema at six fifty.I think it's on at seven.以下有一个判断题:They are meeting before 7 P.M.(是对是错?答案上是对,可是短文中是6;50之前见面,这个句子说7点之前见面, 英语翻译Just meet him in front of the cinema first.Oh,but I do not knom him.whatdoes helook like.Well he has brown hair and wears glasses.Ok.Is he tall or short?He is not tall or short?OKsure.see you later then. 冷冻麻醉采用的什么物理知识? 英语作文 when I meet a difficulty聪明的孩子们快来写吧-0- lived up to 是什么意思 物理知识把沸腾的热水从火上拿开浇凉水会怎么样? up to在作为“最多”的意思时等于什么?The book should be published in up to two months.(句意不变)The book should be published in two months______ ________. up to Regularly up to $41. up to 的用法意义是怎么样的最好有例句 一对静摩擦力可以都做正功吗?可以都不做功吗?滑动摩擦力呢?