
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 13:28:31
My right foot ________.为什么不用injured而是hurts呢?injured不是才是指意外//事故受伤的么hurts只是指精神上的创伤 my left foot 主要内容有没有英语小说? 怎样写大学学年的自我小结啊,最好是格式,谢谢啦 屎的气味中有什么有害成分吗粪便有味道,问多了那种气味对人体有害吗?可以陈述一下粪便中有害气体的名称吗 三角饼怎么做 把它分成全等的四份 一个三角形怎样分成四个全等的三角形 三箱糖果共重60千克,如果从第一箱取出3千克放入第二箱,又从第二箱取出5千克放入第三箱,结果三箱糖果一样重,求三箱糖果原来各有多少千克? 有两箱同样重的糖果,从第一箱取出30千克后,第二箱就比第一箱剩下的2倍还多10千克,原来两箱糖果重多少千克 My ape has huge feet. My feet will never cease. I think it will be a good present for her.翻译 I think it will be a good idea for us I think you will be ______(well) after you have a good rest. 手机总是提示 New message rejected我的手机是e16i,最近总是提示New message rejected ,就是在屏幕最顶端,拉下来就可以看见,然后点开就会出现短信界面,这是怎么回事啊? message是什么意思 text message是什么意思 message什么意思 有甲乙两种螺丝钉,家中3角钱买4个,乙种4角钱买3个,甲乙两种螺丝钉的单价最简整数比是() 有两种螺丝钉,一种用3分钱可以买4个,另一种用4分钱可以买3个,这两种螺丝钉单价的最简整数比是几比几? 有两种螺丝钉,一种用三角可以买四个.另一个用四角可以买三个.这两种螺丝钉的单价的最简整数比是多少? 两种螺丝,一种6角钱可以买8个,另一种8角钱可以买6个,这两种螺丝钉的单价的最简整数比是()拜托了! 内角六角螺丝 为什么是六角的?为什么不是内四角或内三角的?不要说是好拧螺丝,因为他是垂直拧的,不存在角度问题. 内六角螺丝扳手很容易就花了,三角 四角形状扳手不容易花. 为什么不是 谁能帮我改改英语作文语法问题?Socrates once said:the happiest thing in the world,than to fight for a dream.What is the dream?Think carefully,if I have forgotten their original dream?To muddle along without any aim to live I think boring 请改改语法 这篇文章是我的英语作文,求大侠帮我改改.my name is ..,i`m from Zigong city of Sichuan province,i was graduated from zigong NO.14 Vocational High school in 2009.my major is electronic.i`m a outgoing girl,i like learning 英语作文,求纠错!包括大小写和语法,There are three store near the our school.One is Jenny's Department Store.One is Carol's Department Store.The other is Ham's Bargain StoreI love the Carol's Department Store,because it have the friedly Will you remember me when I think of you 我英文语法差 谁帮我改改英语作文...I always think that shopping on the internet is teenage thing.obviously,is not.My mother and father are in love with online shop.they even have a VIP card of the XX shop.I feel like shopping on the int In the end when you will think of 是on the bus还是in the bus On a bus 和in a bus 有什么区别 500m什么概念,相当于什么