
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 23:02:36
we eat what we can,and we can't what we can这是一句主从复合句,符合英语句子成分省略和代替.我的翻译是:我们能吃多少就吃多少,吃不了,打包.朋友们,你们认为如何啊?这样翻译符合中国人的语言表 我们做什么能拯救大象?what can we ___ ___ ___ ___ ___? ---( )is that in English?---It is a ciock. the game ls not running 什么意思 连词成句帮帮忙:8/is/it/o'ciock/now/.要中文意思! 植物大战僵尸修改器为什么the game is not running点不成我打开了 就是点不成 你发个视频 汉朝与西域各国的商贸往来 中国将什么带向中亚西亚和欧洲如养蚕 There is a hall in the building.(对划线部分提问,部分提问a)____ ____ ____ ____ in the building He is (cook noodles) .对括号部分提问 There is arom in the building 就a提问 he's (friendly and helpful.) 对括号部分提问.what __ he__? A clock can also tell us ( ),but it is big Big Ben is a very famous clock in___.A.LondonB.ParisC.BeijingD.New York It is bigMy house is big.对big划线部分提问,该怎么问? 1:-______?-It has 2 small eyes and 4 paws.A:what does your cat like?B:what does your cat look like?C:how do you like your catD:how is your cat?2:my dog plays ____ balls and sticks,and sometimes it barks ____ people.A:/,withB:with,toC:/,atD:with,at it is time for lunch 中 for lunch 做定语还是状语 在这里的at one time是定语还是状语?1 The city 《at one time》 【must have been prosperous】,for it 【enjoyed a high level of civilization】.2 Each of these represented a goddess and had,《at one time》,been painted 张骞出使西域 加强了汉朝与西域各国的友好往来.变把字句 西域:汉朝时----和-----以西,包括今---和中亚以至更远的地方(填空题) greyson chance 现在定居在洛杉矶吗还是什么埃德蒙奥克拉荷马州? which holiday——(come)after chrismas 丝绸之路开通后,汉朝与西域多国经济文化交流的具体内容有哪些? 假设在丝绸之路上,汉朝的商人与西域的商人不期而遇,为他们分别设计一份商品介绍单!就这个. absent是什么意思 greyson chance都有什么mv greyson chance 的妈妈叫什么? 在太阳系中以太阳为中心自近到远地球排在第( )位匿名 汉朝时已经有了一条通往欧洲的丝绸之路,为什么后来的欧洲人不走这条这条路上商路,而重新开辟海上新航路呢 张骞通西域后,西域与汉朝的关系怎样? Can you cook?怎样回答 America has sent a lot of m______ satellites up into space.Modern art can't meet everyone's t______What he did made me _______(succeed) in entering the theatre. 翻译亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔