
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/16 17:55:23
how soon how longcould you tell me < >you'll be away?---only one week.A.how much B .how soon C.how often D.how long我选的是B,为什么不对? walk along the street是什么意思快啊,急急急急急急急 Go across the street and walk along liting street Tom Waits的《November》 歌词 When our part of the earth turns(转) ___ the sun,it is night.A.round B.to C.with D.from where is Mr Li - ____A there comes he B there he comes C there does he comeD there he came Where is Mr Li?___ he is in his office now.Go and find him.A Should B May be C May D Maybe .① Can I help you,then?② Oh,no.He is not in.③ Excuse me,where is Mr Li?④ I think he is at.① Can I help you,then?② Oh,no.He is not in.③ Excuse me,where is Mr Li?④ I think he is at home.⑤ Thank you.But I must go now.A.①③④②⑤ 再帮我想一个尊师敬长的成语故事呗. 尊师重教古诗文演讲比赛.初中的尊师重教古诗文演讲比赛,现在需要一篇古诗文.请大家帮帮忙、最好的自己的原创. 为什么要尊师敬长这是老师留的- -.麻烦讲解清楚一点- 麻烦帮忙找有尊师内容的古诗词 古人是由什么现象推断牛郎织女七夕鹤桥相会的 Mr Li is kind _____ us,but sometimes he is kind _____ serious.A.to;ofB.with;toc.of;tod.with;of 丛林有情狼里面的阿尔法和欧米茄是什么意思啊?还有就是里面的两个歌曲是什么啊,挺好听的,禁止忽悠,说明下理由 左什么右什么的四字词语 六上语文词语盘点出现的四字词语中,有哪些与左冲右撞是相似结构、类型、主题的四字词语?最少要3个 ( )左( )右的四字词语有那些啊? 左()右()组四字词语 一个梦想,产生,孕育,发展,成熟,英语怎么说?不必对应翻译,意思到就行 Mr Liu needs an art teacher to teach his child是to teach 还是teaching 耽美小说里omega什么意思 门禁的英文名称谁能告诉我门禁系统、门禁卡的英文名称是什么 (2/2)ctors of the Earth 请问谁能翻译这几句英语呢? 英语翻译:1.earth 2.land 3.slowly 4.air 好莱坞的最开始意义是什么 好莱坞影片的含义好莱坞影片的深层含义是什么?以<<真实的谎言>><<空中监狱>><<生死时速>>为例.急! 好莱坞的具体含义是什么? 到底指的是什么? how to deal with pollution to the environment?越多越好... Mr.Li is very old,( )he's very active.的括号里能填什么 无聊的英文怎么写和怎么读?如题