
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 21:55:10
英语:as in riding the bow waves of a ship 就像追逐被船首犁开的浪花一样直接as riding the bow waves of a ship不是也可以吗?加了个in是表示什么呢? What ____to him three days ago?litter,play,happen,tidy,use,interview,enjoy,collection 英语过去式中加了be后面的动词还要改过去式吗例:I had a lot of work to do last Saturday ,so I _____( not go ) out at all.和Sorry ,I don't know.I _____(not notice)him leaving.怎么写?快快快速度啊!!帮帮忙!!! this image or video has been moved or deleted什么意思 This shared file or folder has been removed. What film did Nancy watch Three years ago,i want to write a screenplay这是美国电影里两人对话的一段,为什么他说Three years ago而后面没有用过去式,这么说对吗.按语法来讲这么说对么,不对的话请指出并说明! He has been to town this morning错了吗?错了改正 be的两个过去式 Hua with his parents ___ a walk in the park now.1.Li Hua with his parents ___ a walk in the park now.A.is takingB.are takingC.takes 求中间这个字念什么? These的单数形式是什么?急救! 中间这个字念什么呀? these的(单数形式)是啥?3Q 中间这个字念什么? these的单数形式是? these的单数形式是什么 these写出单词的单数形式 Helping him made me happy yesterday.Helping him yesterday made me happy.哪一句对啊. That made him feel happy.(变为否定句) In a ___China ,a person named Cailun Invented paper these的单数形式 看看这个字念什么? so we need try our best 赶紧帮我翻译一下. 3.Waste paper ________________ (should throw) in the litter bins.4.Plates and dishes _______________ (not wash) after supper yesterday.6.____________ the box _____________ (may open) now,sir? don't throw waste paper here.(改为被动语态) Paper should not ____(throw) away. ALKALINE BATTERY电池是充电电池么? alkaline battery 这个型号是充电的么 跪求 !谁知道啊!电池上面全是英文 看不懂 貌似关于型号的单词是这些AA 03-2018 pile alcaline AA size ·format·E91LR6·AM3·1.5V0.0谁能知道 告诉我 イ失这个字怎么读 英语连词成句 1.used to,take,hospital,subway.2.weekday,usually,have.classes,english.3.sunday,buy,seldom,do homework .4.a picture,of,family,wall.5.borrow,library,with,friend.6.a pair of,¥150,nice.7.want,keep magazine of,for a week We should never forget about the war in Iraq and the suffering _____ caused to the people there.A.It B.Which C.That D.What