
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 11:11:07
韩国的文字发音?나보기가 역겨워 가실 때에는 말없이 고이 보내 드리오리다 나보기, 这个韩国字有2个读音吗?나在句首和句末读音怎么不同?在句首怎么读 韩国文字是怎么发音的? 爱迪生发明电灯过程 爱迪生怎样发明电灯 there is a___ no food in the fridge.Let's go and buy some 找出人们利用动物的某些特征来作教育人,启发人,警戒人的例子要写出是哪种动物...一定要有事例啊.. 没有打扰的意思我想看个究竟,就没有打扰它.中打扰的意思 他说暂时不打扰我是什么意思? 他说他不想打扰我, 打扰和打搅各是什么意思 mother will buy some thing in the supermarkt my mother will —— —— ——in the supermarkt.2.what is the p—— of liaocheng?3.he loves to stay in a f——city.4.this question istodifficult.nobody can a——it.5.the first day of school 一个同事.你说不打扰,聊天时.问他忙不,他说有点,于是你说那不打扰他了.他却赶紧回答说呜呜,这么快就不打扰了,求打扰.还有,当你聊天时问他在干嘛时?他回答,在等你的信息啊.可能也是开玩 Tom has ___ food at home.A.a lot B.lots of C.a lots of.D.lot of I have( )food at home.A.lot of B.lots of C.a lots of D.a lot I'm going to put it in front of window.怎么改为一般疑问句、否定句? 用所给词连接句子Was he going to speak in front the class?I wasn't sure (if) 打扰一下的英文 打扰一下的英文是什么 用英文怎么说 左边一个“足”字旁,右边一个尸体的“尸”的读音是什么?怎样能快速长高? Does Jim have computer是什么意思? Don' put the chair in front of the desk .Put it ____the desk.{用反义词或对应词填空} my brothers bring i some gifts.(bring i some gifts) 哪个错了 英语翻译 does he have...Yes,he does.Yes,he has.哪个对,还是两个都对? does he has a book 这句对吗 英语连词成句Tina,going,with,letter,what,that,is,do,to why is George going to give up( A studying English B,to study English > 说说为什么说大自然是一本读不完的大书_教科版语文四下:《读不完的大书》教案及反思 you a going to apply for undergraduate english literature program of a the letter,tell them about your interest in the program,your qualifications and your career plan.the letter is addressed to the program disretor not 为什么说大自然是一本读不完的大书 大自然是一部读不完的大书,里面有无穷的奥秘.仿写一行字,