
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:04:06
一个最简分数,分孑、分母的和是40,分孑、分母都加上3,约分后是13分之10,求这个最简分数. 5分之2的分母与分子都家上相同数,的到的分值是21分之20问加上自然数是多少 the film is very interesting .you can_______ it this evening A.see B.seeing C.to see this is the —— film of this year选择This is the —— film of this yearAcool BgoodIt is hot in the day ,but quiet —— in the morning and evening.Acool Bgood翻译(一条横线一个词)炎热的夏天人们通常做什么?— — people 运用下面列出来的词语,写一则100字左右的一段话.1.沮丧、 臃肿、倜傥、踱来踱去2.伫立、 泯然、锲而不舍、迥乎不同.就这两个、 可以不到一百字、但可以接近就接近、 内容马马虎虎就OK了 英语翻译This is our notice.So you can do what you need to do here.原题是This is our ———.So you can do what you need to do here.A:substanceB:scheduleC:noticeD:noun但是不明白意思. what you need to do is find your own way to stud 突如其来造句 用上突如其来恍然大悟这两个词语造句 突如其来造句,111111111 位置关系是什么意思 用完美的什么不是什么而是什么造句 实际联系地址是什么意思 when they walk ()the desert they find nothing but some water为什么不能填cross? 我在用Windows Vista ,在更新时出现警告:you need to validate your copy of Microsoft Windows ,to get all updates from Windows Update,you must validate your copy of Microsoft Windows as genuine. we need your current photo and your info of the min.acceptable salary.怎么翻译? 英语翻译Everyone was puzzled,so they stepped nearer to take a look.They realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything,and the other was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail so that he could pull the blind one w You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.什么意思? Put the past behind you before you can move on!好像是电影里的台词, You’ve got to put the past behind you before you can!o You got to put the past behind before you can move on.怎麽翻译 cad2012文件注册机出现了make sure you can write to current directory怎么办点击men patch老显示这一条.我是win7系统的 cad2010文件注册机出现了make sure you can write to current directory怎么办点击men patch老显示这一条.我是xp系统的,也按照网上说的右键管理员方式打开过了,换了好几个管理员都没有用啊, maya2011注册机怎么用?出现make sure you can write to current directory我把注册机放到安装目录里了怎么还是出现make sure you can write to current directory呢?也许我什么搞错了,到底怎么用注册机啊(win7,64位) when I got there,I found him_____(repair)farm tools. maya2011安装报错:make sure you can write to current directorymaya2011安装问题 我是再苹果机下安装的win7系统,我在win7 系统下安装maya2011,进入注册机这步的时候总是报错,说是权限的问题,如果时权限的问 when we got to the farm, WE found the farmers ____ the pigs.A feeds Bfeeding C fed D are feeding 3ds max2011 64位注册老失败Make sure you can write to current directory我的本本 win7 64位,试了半天 以管理员运行,注册机放在桌面,放在3D文件夹里都试了.但是还是出现 Make sure you can write to current directory! 用“迫不及待、突如其来”造句快 这突如其来的暴风雨,使 使 使 造句要用上三个使 请问42÷20=21÷10对吗?请说明基本原理及其公式好吗谢谢 用“突如其来”造句10个字左右要有前提