
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 05:21:27
连词成句怎么连 连词成句,怎么连? 怎么连啊,连词成句 给你一块豆腐你能做什么菜 There is __________ space on both sides of the streetsA many B a few C plenty of D few Both sides of the tubes are used for collection so height of the unit is reduced by a factor of two这句话怎么翻译? Is his farm near the _____?Yes,and there are lots of ______on both sides of the roadA.shoe factory B.shoes factory,apple treesc.shoe factory.apple treesd.shoes factories.apples trees 应该选哪个为什么? 陆游的《冬夜读书示子聿》中的“绝知此事要躬行”中的“绝”字是什么意思 口袋中有红白两种球各4个,要使摸到的红球的可能性小于三分之一,至少要再放几个白球? I believe all of you must have heard something about this,right?这句话如何翻译 l have heard both teachers and students()well of him a.to speak b.spoken c.to have spoken d.speak 详细说明 It is a big house___a swimming pool a in b withIt is a big house___a swimming pool a in b with c at d of 一、He has a big house _______ a swimming pool.A.to B.for C.with D.ofMany wild animals are in ____.Let's save them now!A.dangerous B.too C.safe D.safety 谁最会说狠话、就进来帮我想一个?该怎么对这个男人说狠话、我的第一次是给的他、但是我没有处女血、他一开始怀疑我不是第一次、但最后说相信我、我们谈了四年、我们常常吵架、我的 the apple (on the left )is for you ______ _____ is for me对划线部分提问 快啊. last for you heart away from me的意思 did you bring an apple for me?这句话有有什么特别的意思吗? 沧海桑田是什么现象的结果 请问,沧海桑田这个成语说明了怎样的地理现象?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 请问植物(树木)在英文的名词所有格里算是无生命的吗?请看它的所有格at the foot of the tree He likes a house that ___ a garden.A with B have C has为什么不选A 养动物用have animals 还是keep animals keep animals和feed animals有什么区别?要表达养动物应用哪个? 孩子们的歌声飘荡在校园上空.(改比喻句) 布袋里有红白两种球共60个,拿出白球的1/5,拿出红球6个后,余下的球个数相等,布袋里原有红,白球多少个?有一粮仓,第一次运出粮食的2/15,第二次比第一次多运16吨,这时已运的与剩下的比是3:7,这 城西这边有家美杰学科英语,现在想帮我家孩子报个英语班,在美杰上课的效果怎么样?城西这边有家美杰学科英语,听说有很多新华舍的小朋友在里面上课,我也是住在新华舍,现在想帮我家孩子 Where( )Ann( 用所给词的适当的形式填空,其中给词为(study) Where is your friend feom? Do u know where Ann is?问Ann系边点解要用现在式?唔系话习惯,经常,一般人认为的事等才用现在式?即是Do you know 指我现在问你,但不表示时间状态? 2008年雪灾调查报告 Where Ann (study)~~ 怎样写调查研究报告呢