
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 11:21:20
Many people think zoos are good for b___ animals and people.But I am afraid these people may ignore about how the animals in zoo f___.And sometimes peop;e even pull out some fierce animals' t___ because people don't want to be attacked.And peop;e t__ Some people think that all wild(野生的)animals are dangerous.As a matter of fact,very 1 them will attack(攻击)a man if he 2 them alone.If you met a lion or an elephant,I suppose(假设)you would 3 ,but even a lion will avoid(避免 你干得好的英语翻译?不是good job, 工作邮箱的英文翻译 用 JOB 还是 WORk 英语翻译要写一个一百字左右的小英语短文.关于找工作的时候都要考虑什么条件,比如薪资待遇,发展空间,工作的挑战性和成就感什么的.最好写成小短文,不行的话给一些关键词短语什么的也 英语翻译 英语翻译最受欢迎的书是幽默的书.提示词语是humour 英语翻译1.Walking with a frend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.2.Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.Don't walk behind me; I may non lead.Just walk beside me and be my friend.3.The early bird caches the worm.4.When t 英语翻译1、I am feeling under the weather today.2、How is the weathere in Melbourn now?It is hot enough to melt hell. 说的让四年级的人能听懂了甲乙两桶油共重24千克第一次从甲桶里倒出与乙桶同样多的油放入乙桶,第二次从乙桶里到处与甲桶同样多的油放入甲桶,这时两桶内的油同样多,问甲乙两桶油 3 × 4 = 12 是表示三个四相加,还是表示四个三相加? 小学8×8表示8个8相加,2个8相乘这样对吗? 八分之五米是一米的几分之几 MY DREAM jobMY DREAM 写出自己长大后想做的工作.要达到初中水平要有内容,结构,逻辑,词汇,联系100字左右 四年级下册暑假作业的答案语文31页最后一题 my dream job(在线等...急——)根据提示,用5至7句话写一篇有关我理想中的职业的短文...1.What do you want to be when you grow up?2.How did you become interest in it?/What are you interest in?3.What are you good at?4.Do you th Nearly 2000 people ______the assembly,hundreds of them _____the fight against the police.A,joined;attendB,joined in ;took part in C,attended;took part in D,attended;took part (即take part in与take part有什么区别?) we asked some people what annoyed them.和what annoys youannoy为什么不同? We shall put up some p___ and then more people will see them and come to help us. 化石所重现的逝去万载的世界是一个怎样的世界?沉睡亿年的石头说了什么话?作文500 化石所重现的逝去万载的世界是一个怎样的世界?沉睡亿年的石头说了什么话?可以用生物课上或课外所得的有关知识进行补充 化石吟 化石所重现的逝去万载的世界是一个怎样的世界?速答 逝去万载的世界可会重现?沉睡亿年的石头能否说话?品味语言 化石吟中化石所重现的逝去万载的世界是怎样的世界 Some people like to work_,for they think that a background noise may help them to concentrate on their work.A.while the radio being onB.while the radio on C.while the radio turning on D.being on the radio 圆的认识 应用题一,一根长12.56米的绳子,正好可以绕树干10圈,这棵树的树干的直径是多少厘米?二,小明家有一个挂钟,它的分针长100毫米,每经过一个小时,分针的尖端走过多少毫米?扫过的面积 六年级上册数学圆的认识概念(书忘带了急!) 1、把一个圆切拼成一个近似长方形,长方形的周长是33.12厘米,那么这个圆的周长是( )厘米,面积是( )平方厘米.2、把一个圆切拼成一个近似长方形,长方形的周长比圆的周长都4厘米,那么这个 仿写化石吟开头的四个问句 六年级上册圆的认识 圆是什么对称图形 所有半径的长度( ),直径的长度( ).六年级上册数学题——圆的认识,请回答 My dream job 的英语作文