
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 03:08:26
我的钢笔是红的,你的呢?My pen is red.( )( )yours?括号应填什么? 这支钢笔是红色的.英语到底是This pen is red.还是The pen is red. 英语里两个咬舌音如何发音?thank 和that 两个TH 分别怎么发音 尤其thank 咬住舌头发S音根本吐不出气 高人来指导下 英文咬舌音要怎么发才比较顺畅,要咬多少舌头?舌头要伸出来多少呀.为什么他们外国人发咬舌音很自然,没觉得看到舌头啊. 我在练英语中的咬舌音,总是说不好,我舌头很短,有什么号办法吗? 不会卷舌头是不是就发不了大舌音?就是两边卷不起来.就是总是构不成一个通道.舌尖能顶住上颚,就是卷不起来.舌头永远是个条状.是不是就发不了大舌音? 将文后的四个句子填入横线处,顺序最恰当是的是. 连词成句:house,coming,from,the,heard,we,voice,a,man,of,the,快啊, 用thought造一个句子 Stands firm, I thought of the human is he 这句英文是什么意思? 英语翻译语境:She tends to enjoy quiet gameswith her 3-year-old son,rather than rough-housing. 有 TH 的音必须伸舌头吗 Summer Conference Housing中文意思? 英语里的th你们是怎么养成习惯的?如果牙齿比较龇,那舌头岂不是要伸很长?我每次都可以英语里的th你们是怎么养成习惯的?如果牙齿比较龇,那舌头岂不是要伸很长?我每次都可以去发Th,有时候 请将单词转换成词组~ To pick up a hare is ceitainly sasier than to work in the field,按照这个例子举出3个句子 I usually leave work around 3PM to pick up Alton from school,and maybe run an errand before going home to meet Sawyer,when he arrives home on the school bus.意思 发 th 的音我一咬舌头就感觉发出来的音很大舌头感觉不对,咬了舌头的三分之一,1cm 但是读起来很大舌头很clumsyignitertime超级正音里说舌头咬1cm后来我仔细观察,发现舌头的形状可以变来变去 use the word as often as the first day you learn it 的句子结构use the word as often as you can the first day you learn it 这个句子的结构? Then use the word as often as you can _____you learn it.A.the first day B.each day请问选哪一个?很多学生选B,怎么解释比较好呢? use the new word as often as you can the first day you learn it.怎样翻译 Then use the new word as ofen as you 句子原来是这样的:Then use the new word as ofen as you can the first day you learn it then ues the new word as often as you can ____ day you learn it.横线上是填the first、the second、all 还是some呢? housing 1.You can play football ________ before.A.as soon as B.as quick as C.as often as D.as good as2.i can't buy this coat ,because it is ________expensivea .much b.a few c.few d .a bit3.you look very tired ,simon,what's wrong?i didn't sleep well last nigh it is necessary ------- you ------- English as often as you can 用for或to 填第一个空 用read或readin填第二个空 英语改错:English as often as you can .this is veryi importantvery后面的i不要 非谓语动词的答案1.can i smoke here?sorry,we don't allow __here .a.people smoking b.people smoke c.to smoke d.smoking2.the children talker so loudly at dinner table that i had to struggle__a.to be heard b.to have heard C.hearing D.being heard3 一道非谓语动词题目 1.-------sure he had shut the window Tom returned to check them carefully。make 2.------by the growing interest in nature more and more people enjoy outdor sportsinfluenced 我选的是TO be influenced我怎么都看不 非谓语动词练习 26、(08安徽卷’30) ____ in the fields on a March afternoon,he could feel the warmth of spring.A.To walk.B.Walking C.Walked D.Having walked27、(08浙江卷’10)______that he was in great danger,Eric walked deeper into the I ta da ki ma su da i su ki de su 怎么发音?