
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 21:40:32
什么的大海 什么的草原 He is so wise that he can deal with such a hard situation.(改为简单句)It is wise____him _____deal with such a hard situation. The boy found himself in a situation ___ it was hard to make a choice,so he asked his parents for advice.A that B which C when D where he found that it was hard to sleep可以用另一种方法说么?是什么作业上说该同义句,he found ___ ___ to sleep He found that the problem was hard to solve.不能用to be solve吗?问题不是被解决吗?为什么不能用? 安妮莎莉文的人物形象 安妮·莎莉文遗言帮我翻译一下 若用m表示3.14,-5分之3,7分之2,2π,-6.31的五个实数中分数的个数,那么m的值是() 湿地为什么会和森林、海洋并称全球三大生态系统?我知道湿地与森林、海洋并称全球三大生态系统,之前森林、海洋我就知道,但我不知道为什么湿地会算进去?谁能解释一下? 森林、草原、海洋、淡水、湿地、农田和城市生态系统的排行榜(按大大小) 森林、草原、海洋、淡水、湿地、农田、城市生态系统的相同点 森林被誉为“地球之肺”,湿地被誉为“地球之肾”,那么海洋被誉为什么?海洋是地球之心,心,怪怪的!好像不是功能, she says she'd never have wanted to do what her mother did.请问,这句话中 she'd 的原写? She did neet know what she wanted to be . what she wanted to do was___her hands of it(wash)为什么不填washing?答案是wash没有to wash啊? 如图所示,A为放在赤道上相对地球静止的物体,随地球自转做匀速圆周运动,B为沿地球表面附近做匀速圆周运动的人造卫星(轨道半径等于地球半径),C为地球的同步卫星,关于A、B、C的说法正 水泥厂烧生料粉用的燃料是什么 从森林变成草原再变成沙漠什么在减少 I have to study hard so that I can go to ( ) college and find a good job after graduationA a B the C / I find it no good doing还是I find it is no good doing,总感觉I find it's no good doing...读起来顺一点,但是笔记上做的是it , 1dm³=( )m³ 100.1dm³=_____m³ 1dm³等于多少L Dr Alice Green agrees.She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves wh She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older.这里的think for themselves 单独的think for ___David says sounds right to Helen.That's why she has made up her mind not to leave him ___happensA.whatever;whateverB.No matter what;whateverC.No matter what;no matter whatD.whatever;however为什么不可以选B? A friend says he/she has something that belong to you .How do you ask to see it?怎么回答这句话?欢迎您的回答. She says that a__her classmates work hard on Sunday 做曲线运动的物体一定受到外力作用对吗,为神魔 物体的运动状态发生变化时,一定受到外力作用? 做匀速圆周运动的物体处于平衡状态吗→_→ 运动的物体是否一定受到外力作用