
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/17 01:10:55
36千克是56千克的()% 规定f(x)=2x-1(如f(-3)=2×(-3)-1=-7试求2010分之f(1)+f(2)+...+f(3)+f(2010)的值 f(x)=根号2x+1+1(3 一个现在完成时的题Have you met Mr.Li ()?A just B ago C before D a moment ago,但是为什么不能选A和D呢? 现在完成时的一道题?1.She will arrive_____11 o'clok(填since/for/in/after)2.We are going to send it to you_____two hours(填since/for/in/after)请简要说明原因, sin(30°+β)-sin(30°-β)化简 形容校园优美整洁的成语比如窗明几净啊之类的,但是绿草如茵,花团锦簇都有了,不能重复,再给我两个就行了,要好的哦,顺便在给我一个形容操场上欢乐热闹的成语谢谢了啊~ 一道英语难题,我希望今天完成,What’s an elephant ear?Let’s see how to make it,and then you will know what an elephant ear is!First,you have to _______ milk,sugar,salt,shortening,dry yeast,flour,cinnamon and oil.Combine f________ 4 ingr 用什么成语来形容学校的美好 x^2+mx+n与多项式 x^2-3x+ 2的积中不含x^2 .x^3 项求m,n的值 化简:sin方A+sin方(A-π/3)+sin方(A+π/3) scanf("%d%d",&a, scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);%d%d 设函数f(x)=sin(πx/4-π/6)-2cos^2πx/8+1.若函数y=g(x)与y=f(x)图像关于直线x=1对称,求x属于[ 0,4/3 ] 时,y=g(x)的最大值?函数我算的是f(x)=根号3 *sin(πx/4 - π/3), 已知定义在R上的函数f(0.5-x)+f(0.5+x)=2 则f(1/8)+f(2/8).+f(6/8)+f(7/8) 现在完成时小问题我可以说I HAVE PLAYED BASKETBAKK LAST WEEK.不加SINCE FOR的完成时表示过去发生对现在有影响,但没延续到现在,不关注时间.这句话是不是一定要改成I PLAYED BASKETBALL LAST WEEK 本人英语 填介词there are long white beaches to walk ___. 现在完成时 现在完成时 I have studied/worked English for 3 years 我学英语/工作已经3年了请问下..现在完成时,这里表示动作已经结束了么..我记得,完成时,表示动作从过去某个时刻 开始,持续到现在, 现在完成时的小问题能不能He lived in Guangzhou for ten years.如果能请帮我改写成现在完成时 组句:place of interest,there,Hainan,in,Island are,Jianyanhaijiao,like There are lots of things for the children( )(do)in Hainan Island. I ( ) never( )(be) to Hainan Island.Is there beautiful.为什么 A day in the life is a life in a 已知关于x的方程四分之一x的平方-(m-3)x+m的平方=0 有两个不相等的实根,那么m的最大整数是多少 已知关于x的方程(4分之1)x平方-(m-2)x+m平方=0(1)有两个不相等的实数根,求m的取值范围(2)已知关于x的方程(4分之1)x平方-(m-2)x+m平方=0(1)若方程有两个不相等的实数根,求m的取值范围 现在完成时的题目They left Fuzhou five years ago.=They _____ _____ _____ _____ Fuzhou _____ five years.=It _____ _____ five years _____they _____Fuzhou.=It _____ five years _____ they _____ Fuzhou.改写同意句. A day in the life of...WHIZZ KID WENDY译文.快啊.本人急啊、、、 A day in the life of whiz kid wendy(课文) Whizz-kid WendyWendy Wang,15,is one of the top students in Shenzhen.She writes computer games,and all of her family work in her business.She is still at school! 6 a.m. l get up at six o'clock,wash and put on my school uniform.l have breakfast with my 4x=(x+6)×2解比例 用所给单词的适当形式填空:Nov.211.What about ________( go ) on an outing?2.Every Sunday Alice always __________( help) her mother ________( do) housework.3.It’s three p.m.The children __________( eat) cakes.4.Danny,___________( not do) x+n的括号外的二次方=x方+x+m,则m和n各等于多少?