
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 12:36:17
Tom left Shanghai in ____.A.the summer 1995 B.summer 1995 C.1995 the summer D.the summer of 1995 写一篇“On.a.harmonious.dormitory.life”作文 ( )Tom and Peter ( )in beijing Hospiital?选项是does ,work 还是用 do work急~!!!!!! Tom has friends (e ) Let's go to the park to have fun改同义句 I have fun in the hiforlls 改为同义句 离城市或中心区较远,交通不便意思写词语 根据意思写词语.离城市或中心区较远,交通不便. 离城市或中心较远,交通不便打一成语 佛山市中心离南海区远吗? 说话的时候普通话发音咬词不标准,怎么办? 我是四川人,说普通话时发音比较准,但是别人还是能从我说话时听出我是四川人.要怎么样才可以练好. 阳光下绿色小草在生长是什么能转化为什么能? JAY发音怎么发啊?怎么和林俊杰的英文名发音有点像?用汉语或拼音,表现出二者的发音吧,不同点. 怎么和人交流让人家感觉到我很有内涵,让人猜不到我的心里想什么.感觉我很神秘的,让人家对我产生好奇,对人家说一些什么话能让人家感觉到我很有深度,让人家感觉到我很有内涵呢?还有.我 场院上,一头毛驴要吃草,左右两边各放着一堆青草.岂料,毛驴犯了难,先吃这一堆还是先吃那一堆?毛驴最终饿死了. 请翻译Best RegardsI understand that through Internet is not the best way to link up with you because of the confidentiality which my proposal demands. However, I have already sent you this same letter one month ago, but I am not sure if it did get 英语邮件中的问候语 Best Regards 中文应该怎么翻译? thanks and best regards.翻译成中文 想知道这用一个成语怎么形容?或者这是什么寓言故事?大概内容就是一个人,感觉对现在的生活感到不满,然后做了一个梦,梦见他以为自己想要的满意的生活,但是在梦中发现自己想要的生活并 英语翻译it is time for sththanks for sththanks you for sththanks for doing sththank you for doing sth 翻译基础知识 基本如何翻译 不知道为什么人长大了,同学、朋友都不联系了呢?就算联系也都是寒碜几句,难道在她(他)们眼里友谊不重要?还是真的有那么忙呢?长大后的感情实在太杂了.还是童年时的友谊最纯真! please sent my best r__to your family The boy often plays football on sundays .对on sundays 提问 Sam often plays football on Saturday 改为一般疑问句啦啦啦~各位亲帮忙回答一下吧~ Beijing is beautiful.Shangghai is beautiful,too.(合并为一句)_______Beijing________Shanghai are beautiful. ( )3.Shanghai is very beautiful and I _ it.A.fall in love with B.fall in like with C.fall in love in D.feel in love with 她父母献身于教育事业.这句话用英文怎么翻译? It time to keep slient The car ____________ after an hour’s driving.A、broke down B、broke out C、broke into D、broke up