
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 04:24:17
世界七大自然奇观除科罗拉多大峡谷的其他几个 世界七大自然奇景是什么 A lots of _____(visit)come to our country every year.(根据所给单词,变换形式,填空) Hundreds of the visitors come____(visit) our country every day 关于眼光的话题作文600字以上,文体不限,诗歌除外 l'd like some meat.改为一般疑问句 I like thursday变为一般疑问句并作否定回答 I like puppets.改为一般疑问句,并作肯否定回答. 英语翻译帮我找20条重大新闻(最好中英文都有)也行 要不就光中文 . 发布广告英语怎么说 last 和yesterday的区别?什么时候用yesterday,什么时候用last?请多举几个例子, 关于话题作文如何构思话题就是当代的青年人要有开阔的眼界,不能鼠目寸光. 观点话题作文 以齐为话题作文,请给思路!请给一些思路,尽量多元化多角度一些,能提供文章更好!能给一些思路吗?文章可以不必,我需要思路 2012年6月英语六级成绩分析我感觉这个分数真让人捉急啊,听力187,阅读166,综合37,写作88,词汇量不够吗? I like meat,chicken and___food.A.the other b.other c.others wich do you like ___,chicken ,fish,or meat?A.bestB.betterC.wellD.good 如何得到cctv9的英语内容? yestday evening 与last night有什么区别? 急求 Cut the Rope v1.2.1 - 割绳吃糖果的下载地址? l like to play fooball,too改否定句 变为否定句:I like math too What you need is a small talk是从句吗 What they need is a good textbook.从句是哪一部分,是什么从句? lucy played violin at the party yesterday evening单句改错 Mary ________ the song at a party.A.heard singB.was heard singC.heard to singD.was heard to sing single boy single boy single all the way,having party together turning into gay,hey I like the colour.改为否定句 i like red and blue改为否定句 英语作文:写一写自己的爱好,what is your hobby 英语作文,不少于200个单词,是写你的爱好.what's your hobby The poor boy is called Bob. He lost both his parents in the earthquake.(合并为一句)The poor boy ____ _____ lost both his parents in the earthquake.