
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 04:20:47
Who Gentle,When Job,She Jumping,Bullshit Lie 是什么 一个国外女歌手的歌,有句歌词是:make it a better place for you and for me.这首歌的名字是什么? there is a time and a place for everything的中文意思 That room is the _____ (twin). this room is( )that one.选错的 为什么?A,three times so big as B,three times the size of C,three times bigger than D,a third as big as pay as paid clause怎么翻译比较准确如题,在一些保险和同中碰见这个条款,不知道怎么翻译比较准确,大师现身帮忙! 做个题 The man I don't know didn't answer my questions.(改为同义句) The()didn't( )( )my questions大家帮下忙~~~ Twenty dollars must_______me.A.be paid to B.be paid for C.pay to D.pay for Could you put these clothes in the wardrobe?变祈使句 写出下列句子的中文意思.1Can you put away the clothes?2l can playchess. can do what you put can away clothes the I )(.) 连词组句 you put these clothes in the ward rode. 改成祈使句 怎么读好小学英语而且要流利音也要准 in the right place介词为什么用in i am afraid i will have to 为什吗 < pay of》 不行 our efforts will pay off if the results of this research can be applied to the development of new technology.请帮忙翻译句子并 分析句子结构 if是从句吗 是什么从句apply 加 ed 是被动语态吗 The f_____didn`t know the way to the hotel单词拼写 If you don't know the way to the hotel,you can ( ) a man and ask for help 括号里填什么? (2/2)e paid off.这句英文怎么翻译成中文? paid-off capital怎么翻译 还有authorised capital 怎么翻译 I bought teh 75 dollar dress for one third off the regular price 帮我翻译一下 3 you must keep your room_____Aclean Bcleaning Cto clean Dcleaned 我的笔记本电脑突然间带偏旁部首的汉字写出来都是分开的,求各亻立帮忄亡 Penny is going to (put) the vase (on the table).(对括号里的部分进行提问) Penny is going to (put) the vase (on the table).(对括号里的部分进行提问)(括号里的不可出现)答:(   )is penny going to do (  )the vase? 英语翻译是想作为第二专业学习 Penny is going to put the vase on the v____. “亻+夸”怎么拼读? 有人知道 亻及 这2个拼起来怎么念? 豪放派的代表作家是谁 豪放派诗人代表是谁?老大你们说的一个都不是选项里都没有!选项是A李清照B辛弃疾C柳永D温庭筠E苏东坡还有你爱答不答嫌分少就不要说话不过如果答得好 英语翻译原句 Everything has got its place and time,even the day must give way to the night