
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:21:02
__ free this evening?A DoB AreC Can Do you free this evening?找错. 英语翻译Peter确实跟我说过我和你长得很像,我上次和他在餐厅吃饭的时候他坐在我的对面,先是盯着我看了一会儿,然后问我:“是我真的产生幻觉了还是你真的长得很像我的哥哥?”呵呵真是 英语翻译A:前天晚上我和她去音乐酒吧,那个酒吧每晚九点半都会有和顾客互动环节,如果有顾客可以上去和他们一起唱并得到下面的人的掌声的话就可以消费八折并且赠送香槟一瓶.那晚乐队 英语翻译你笑着说他是朋友 但你眼中太温柔 我的不安那么沉重 只有你不懂 他霸占了你的心中 属于我的角落 所以你说我们不是你和我 是我想太多你总这样说 但你却没有真的心疼我 是我想 同学之间应该怎样相处呢? 同学之间应如何相处? We don't know if it rains tomorrow.不是说if表 是否 时看具体时态吗为什么这里有tomorrow还用s这是王后雄中考完全学案上32页的 错了吗 2.I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow.A.when does he come B.how will he come C.if he comes D.whether he'll come为什么不是c 怎样与同学朋友相处好?我是一名学生,小学时曾招人嫌弃过几年,所以对我来说友谊真的很重要.我很在乎朋友的感受,不希望让人讨厌,我想这是每个人都会在乎的吧!我努力改变,有两三个闺蜜 怎么把MSN英语功能取消就是不想用了 天天给我发邮件 我还的删烦死了 我很少上MSN 用英文怎么说 英文翻译 :好的,打扰您了!再见! 如何加盟读忆佳英语?看图照片的 读忆佳怎么样?急!~~~~ (忆)字用英文怎么读 佳宏读成英语怎么读 什么是乐观心态 ——成功人士的共同性格 成功人士应该具备什么样的性格 我不够真实的英语怎么说 我确实去了用英语怎么说?是I did went there还是I did go there? 生日快乐,用英语怎么写 生日快乐用英文怎么写? 高中怎么提高英语写作?我想英语拿高分.就差作文问题大了. Which way to link these words together is wrong?A cold ice B shop assistant C see again D moon cake答案上选C 可是是什么意思呢? Which sentence is wrong?A. The finger I dipped into the cup was not the one I put it into my mouth. B. Do you know the boy who jumped onto the platform? C. Science and new technology have made it possible for farmers to produce more food on the same 成功人士必须具备的品格 ---Which book did you lose yesterday?--the book(was bought;bought;being bought;has been bought).for me as my birther gift by my father.选哪个?急 一道英语题.问题:which is wrong?A、the cow is lying B、the cow has strong loud.选A还是B老师说选AA farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet. "What’s The computer( )last week has gone wrong .A.which I bought it B.I bought为什么? Cheung属于姓氏,Cheung更多时出现在香港式拼音中.如果以香港拼音规则则表现的是“Chie-ong”那姓姜要怎么拼 怎么写成英文的姓 Cheung是什么姓啊?