
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 09:27:42
300字左右成语作文 急要用妄自尊大 不速之客 人声鼎沸 置之度外 奔走相告 狼吞虎咽 出神入化 手足无措 面面相觑 弹指而过这10个成语写一篇作文 有两堆煤,甲堆94吨,乙堆138吨,运走同样多的煤后,乙堆剩下的煤是甲堆的3倍,两堆煤各运走多少吨? 新课程背景下如何提高课堂效率 浅谈新课程背景下如何提高课堂效率 答案已经知道了,就是算式不知怎么列,被除数 除以除数,商5余1,被除数、除数、商、余数四个数的和是25,求被除数、除数各是多少? 高中解各种不等式的方法有那些具体的 though 可以引导让步状语从句吗? 请高手帮忙看下much though 和 much as引导让步状语从句时的区别啊!?比如在句子中:Much though i like you, i don't love you. 还是 Much as i like you, i don't love you.哪个句子是正确的呢? though引导的让步状语从句,主句倒装么.举个例子,怎么换成as呢? 成语大全 四字成语(要100个)回答好的还可以再加悬赏.急 谁知道100个简单成语,(字要简单,比如数字,最好是成语接龙)告诉我. 一百字的成语故事急找一个不常用的关于历史的成语故事 写一件关于450字左右的记事作文,要关于流泪,可以是感动的,高兴的,难过的,委屈的.急要亲生体验 王玲今年身高165cm,比去年长高5cm,今年比去年长高了百分之几? 小明今年比去年长高了5cm,这与细胞的( )与(  )有关? 小学四年级综合算式 急用!~~~~~小学四年级的,不要太麻烦!帮忙出些题目 明明今年的身高是85厘米,比去年高5厘米,明明身高增高了百分之几? 分母是40的最简分数的和是多少? 一个最简分数,分子和分母的积是40,和是13,这个最简分数是 C语言中 定义一个二维数组 int a[5][5] 然后a[0][0]+1 表示什么 是表示a[1] 还是表示a[0][1] 初二英语改错题1.Bob enjoys himself at the party last night2.Where did you come to school this morning? In my father's car3.My home is 3 kilometers far from here4.In our town,most students by bike to school5.It spends you about 13 hours to fly 一道初二英语改错题There are around two hundreds students on the playground.这句话哪个地方错了呀?请给出解析 1道初二英语改错 题选出错误的一项1.Today is (colder)① (than)② it (is)③ yesterday 初二英语改错 题 急死了!一改错1. Among all the students Li Ming is the best.2. The number of sleep are getting larger and larger.3. I saw the accident happened4. I found that difficult to work out the problem.5. There were lots of rain th 初二英语改错练习题1.I wonder if Tom has been here.2.Just at that moment,Sandy has made a strange machine.3.I was playing the piano while the young couple came.4.I have finished the homework before they came. 用含有“马”的成语造句! 请用四个含“马”的成语造句摆脱了, 数学锐角三角函数在三角形ABC中,角C等于90°,若COSA=2分之1则SINA=?2分之根号2COS45°乘COS30°-2分之1COS60°+SIN60°乘COS30°COS²45°+TAN60°乘COS30°-3TAN²30°+SIN²30°计算题 后面2道 if引导的条件状语从句主句用将来时,那么,过去时的将来时可以吗? The girl is good at playing a piano.Don’t let him to work too long.NO one tells us what to do it,so we need your help.My mother is a unusual woman.The baby bore in winter in 2004.只要把错的打出来,改正就可以了 几道初二英语改错题1.I'm going to move Beijing.2.He study science really hard.3.He is going to do what does he wants to do4.Uncle John is going to visit anywhere beautiful.5.Cathy is a student at a art school in Shanghai.6.--Where does she wa if 引导的条件状语从句应该是主句一般现在时从句将来时为什么Take her to the hospital if she is ill.