
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 14:35:18
人类进入氏族时期后 最初是母系氏族 后来发展成为父系氏族 为什么会发生这样的变化? 英语翻译Business`s business is business 英语翻译要准确无误 简答题人类进入氏族时期后,最初是母系氏族,后来发展成为父系氏族.为什么会发生这样的变化? business 怎么翻译 英语翻译英译中 do you have ___questions to askA. some others B.any other C.the other D.others do you have any questions ——-?A.to ask B.be asked C.ask D.to be ask参考答案选D,我选的A,为什么我的答案不对? Do you know__the population of India is?A.whatB.how manyC.how much 选哪一个呀?没什么呢? What do you know is the population of Germany?这句话应该怎么翻译? that's very nice ______ you ____ me a lot .A.of ; to help B.of ; helping C.for ; to help D.for ; helping that's very nice of you.的反义疑问句是什么? more exercise的中文是什么? 新买的电脑,左下角有个红色的图标,点击后出现lenovo solution for small business是什么东西, motivation for and sources of debt for small business这个是一个标题,要怎么翻译出来更加正确? 若复试时,老师最后真的问Do you have any questions to ask?我们怎么答?大家最好用英文回 You should take the doctor's advice to take the medicine on time.同义句 Roxio creator small business edition无法访问您试图使用的功能所在的网络位置.先是使用浏览器时出现右键失灵现象然后修复浏览器的过程中出现了这个问题 关于“roxio creator small business edition”的问题我的电脑是thinkpad sl410,用的是windows7系统,右击鼠标的时候会出现“正在配置roxio creator small business edition”,当我按照提示安装时又总被提示安装失败 右击计算机出现WINDOWS正在配置 Roxio Creator Small Business Edition右击 计算机.或者 右击有些 图标也会这样.出现正在配置 Roxio Creator Small Business Edition 然后出现 Unable find a certificate (无法发现证书) roxio creator small business edition msi,今天老出现... Do you have _____ questions to ask me A.some B.any C.the D.aThe lady on the left is my grandfather.(on the left 划线提问) 磨炼名言最好要两则关于丑小鸭的,比如像“是金子总会发光”这样的 “For adults,take one (1) tablet daily,preferably with a written的中文意思是?written的中文意思是是什么? 求带玲谐音的女生英文名、急用~ Take these pills three times a day,_______you'll get well soon.A.and B.but C.or D.however(答案上是选A.可是,however也有"无论如何"的意思昂,放在句子里翻译不也仍然通顺吗?) 取个女孩的英文名.封心怡,谐音“心怡”的英文名.谢谢啦. 已知复数z满足z*i=1-2i,则z= Her baby should be taken good care of by you.的翻译是 We can't go on,with the baby taken care of.请翻译 翻译:Friendship is like a flower that has to be taken care of with warmth,sunlight,and care.If there is a seed of love and care in yours heart,the flower of friendship will open forever