
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 10:08:25
描写名胜古迹的成语如古朴典雅 请再写出4个 你得等他多久 用英语怎么说 中国有什么名胜古迹 分别用一个成语形容 含名胜古迹的成语快 ---You did not wait for Mr.Black last night,did you?---Yes,but we __ .he did not return home at allA.must not B.need not C.would not D.should not have We didn’t wait for him until ten o’clock last night.怎么翻译 chose后面加动词的什么形式?Last night ,I didn't sleep before 11:50.I stayed ( ) to wait for the NBA We didn't study English last night,but we ______.A.had studied B.couldC.should D.could have为什么选D,不懂 与爽谐音的英语单词如题.向song啊什么的 最好是s开头的. 求八个英语单词的谐音!souvenir 纪念品theatre 剧院dirty 脏的waiter 侍者shopper 购物者cashier 收银员sick 患病的hospital 医院 南京大屠杀纪念馆用英语怎么表达 南京大屠杀纪念馆用英语怎么表达 面对南京大屠杀中日本鬼子的罪行,你怎样来形容?可以用成语或者简短的句子之类的. 《南京大屠杀》表达了作者怎么样的思想感情 贝贝看一本书,5天看了全书的百分之20.照这样计算,把剩下的事全部看完还需多少天 小丽看一本书,5天看了全书的20%,照这样计算,把剩下的书全部看完还需多少天? 明明看一本200页的书,5天看了全书的20%,照这样计算,24天能看完吗? Mille didn't go to the cinewa last night.she stayed at home instead He (r_ _ _ _ _) stayed at home last night. didn't he go home last sunday?---( )and he spent the whole night in the cinema---that’s too bad.A.yes,he did B,no,he did C,yes,he dodn't D,no,he didn't He didn't go to see the film,he stayed at home (保持原句意思不变) 求助10个英语单词谐音1.life2.underground3.less4.air5.pollition6.country7.lake8.building9.close10.example把中文谐音打出来就行了 “我到底怎么了?” 翻译成英文! 谁会把“我想知道,到底是为什么要这样”翻译成英文翻译打引号的句子, I came home very late last night,____,early this morning.A.at latest B.on the wholeC.in a word D.or rather87.142 状语从句16.I came home very late last night,___,early this morning.A.at latestB.on the wholeC.in a wordD.or ratherwHY 英语My wife got a____ when I came home very late last night.My wife got a____ when I came home very late last night.限时两分钟 My mother_____________very late last night.A.got home B.gets home C.got to home D.gets to home 给三条俗语(南京的) 求谐音记忆英语单词我英语学的一直不是很好,尤其是单词.但我最近发现我很适合用谐音记忆单词.以前在公交车上看到一则,但是以后就再也找不到了.希望得到100个单词的谐音记忆法,不要像a 南京的俗语有哪些?要很短快 南京的地方俗语不要1楼的 “我会去找你的,等着吧”英语翻译是什么