
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 10:20:38
一堆煤,2500kg,用去百分之二十还剩下多少?一堆煤,2500kg,用去百分之二十,还剩下多少?一堆煤,2500kg,用去百分之二十,用去了多少? 科普与科技有什么不同科普小论文和科技小论文有什么不同 一堆煤重3000t,烧锅炉每天要用120t,每天需要用这堆煤的百分之几要算式, 翻译句子 He had no sooner returned than he bought a house and went to live there No sooner ___ than it began to rain heavily.A.the game began B.has the game begun C.did the game begin D.had the game begun请高手为我讲下这道题该选什么,为我讲下其中的语法知识,是用一般过去时呢,还是用过去完成时? no sooner ( )home than it began to rain.A he had got B he has got C had he got D has he got这里各个选项的详解 He had no sooner returned than he bought a house主句是哪句?新概念上说这是一个时间状语从句,主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去式,可翻译起来是:他一回去就就买了套房子.怎么觉得he bought a house是主 Do you want to buy a computer?yes but I can't ___one.a.make B.afford c.play d.cause 一堆煤2500千克,用去了20%,还剩下多少千克 一堆煤重2500千克,每天用去125千克,4天用去几分之几 食堂有一堆煤,烧了2500千克,烧的煤比剩下的煤少700千克,这堆煤原有� 2011海洋科普知识竞赛初赛答案 人教版六年级下古诗词背诵今天就要!个位大哥大姐! 英语歌曲开头:wo wo ye英语老歌 I want to buy a silk scarf.Do you want to buy one?(同义句转换) I want to buy a silk scarf._ _ 给两首适合小学六年级背诵的古诗(最好简单点~) 要完整的! 各位仪器界朋友,菲格瑞斯的微差压变送器有哪些特点? 《蝉》中“居高”有几层含义 蝉的音乐 牺牲一词有什么含义 Kate is buying a sweater and I want to buy ____,too. 兔子歇后语 英语 至少两个要英文版的 英文 两个就好………………………………………………没有知道的吗…………………………? 描写蝉的句子 词 不要诗句 I want to buy a sweater 对a sweater 提问()()you want to () They work very hard to save animals _____ accidentsA.out B.in C.from D.at do you want to buy two pens 同义句 甲乙粮库化肥量比是12比11,后来乙库又运来24吨,这时甲库比乙库少九分之一,乙库 原来是多少吨 My pen is lost .So I want to buy ______ one A.other B. the other C.others D.anotherMy pen is lost .So I want to buy ______ oneA.other B. the other C.others D.another All have lost the one I want not to belong to The store sells pens.I want to ( )some.()里填buy还是take,最好说说原因, 求解They _____ no sooner ______ home than it began to rain.had,got第二个空为什么不填gotten?第二个空能否填reached?还能填什么词?home在句子中是什么词性?名词还是副词? she wants to have glass of milk(同义句替换)哪位知道,谢谢了.