
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 18:44:53
翻译The elephant is holding a flag with his trunk. The elephant is _(drink) water with his trunk用正确的形式填空. the elephant is drink water with his trunk中ldrink怎么改 Mr Green must have been punished for his being rude at the meeting yesterday,______?A.isn't he B.didn't he C.doesn't he D.needn't he 最准确的测加速度的方法是什么?最准确的测加速度的方法是什么?图像法还是根据纸带来计算? there no milk in the fridge.could you get some fthere no milk in the fridge.could you get some for me,mary?all right,mum.there后面填什么 英语翻译英语大学英语CET4 分析一下难点和重点!不要用电脑翻译. 其中句子的 swallow up什么意思? the Adobe updater could mot be started……的意思在PSCS2中显示的The Adobe updater could not be started.please reinstall the application and components. 英语翻译请教英语达人,下面的中文公司名和地址及产品名称翻译成英文该怎么写?01.公司名称:东莞市长安镇大众表面处理材料经营部02.公司地址:东莞市长安镇锦厦社区锦源路陆家洲一巷44 英语翻译The survey also found that many people associated romance with home-cooked,candlelit dinners with their partners,claiming that this was a perfect redipe for a great Saturday night.Couples getting to know each other over a meal is a far he 英语翻译 请问鲁迅先生弃医从文的原因? 谁能看懂这篇文章?我待会追问的时候发题, 英语翻译 我是外国留学生 忙帮修改一下这篇文章 (立即采纳)10现代人们生病的时候随便服药.因为大部分在家里有常用药品.当然准备着常用药品.但是人们不知道要多么服药.而且误解多吃多好.所以 农村小学的体育课 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 求这篇课文的翻译,谢谢!又对又快的采纳! 用一句俗语来概括儿童天真无邪、无忧无虑的性格求大神帮助是俗语哦 In a world,they are very c()这是一篇关于狗的完形填空 ——Look!We have____ orang juice now.——Really?Let's go and buy some.A.litte B.a litte C .few D.a few “The Adobe Upkater could not be started .Please reinstall the applicantion and components. 英语翻译英语大学英语4级 分析一下难点和重点!不要用电脑翻译. 其中句子的 swallow up什么意思? 英语翻译 想要孩子能吃山楂吗?如果有BB了可以吃山楂? 用多功能瓶集氧气的验满方法 有27本练习本要分给5个小朋友至少买多少本练习本才能把练习本平均分给每个小朋友 英语中we don't have any milk in the fridge.(保持句意不变)变成we__ __milk in the fridge.中应该怎么填? we have ____milk..i"llbuy some.a、 a little b、 little c 、lot d a lot