
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 14:54:56
英语翻译素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡瓶身描绘的牡丹一如你初妆冉冉檀香透过窗心事我了然宣纸上走笔至此搁一半釉色渲染仕女图韵味被私藏而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放你的美一缕飘散去到 青花瓷翻译有没才子把这首歌改成散文?我觉得变成散文是篇很好的散文 英语翻译请帮忙把这段话翻译成德语,之所以选用“康雍乾清三代” 青花瓷,是因为此时的青花瓷无论工艺水平,还是艺术水平都已经发展到了巅峰时期,“康雍乾清三代”是中国历史上空前的 英语翻译最近听到周杰伦《青花瓷》的英文版,他的翻译竟然是green flower porcelain ,请问能这么翻译吗?如果不能的话,应该怎样翻译才恰当? Shall we go there a little ( What about a quarter to ten?(early)根据后面括号里的单词,写出前面的单词. Shall we make a little earlier?(改错) (The Williams) came to our school yesterday.为什么要选The Williams 马上要!foot、leg、neck、face、head、hand、nose、mouth、ear、classroom、desk、chair、computer、projector、Chineseflag、bag、book、pencil-bag、ruler、pencil、pen、eraser、room、table、bed、picture、map、coat、cap、shoes 英语好的哥哥姐姐快来帮帮我吧.书面表达.下面是中央气象台某一天的天气预报材料,请据此写一篇英语天气预报在英文台播送.(1)华北与华南:天气冷湿,部分地区有风暴,淮河以北有大风,后天 括号中的内容在句中充当什么成分Amy came to our school (to give us a talk )yesterday 根据汉语提示完成句子_____ _____ _____(许多)people came to visit our school yesterday.能用hundreds of吗 English 中译英1、在某些方面,我们看上去一样.2、来自200多个国家的运动员将参加2008年北京奥运会.3、有许多人在图书馆里浏览报纸.There are many people _____ _____ newspapers in the library.4、你应该在 A foreign teacher has just came to our school from Canada.短文改错 谁知道帮帮忙 有急用 改写以下句子,用can或may来代替括号里的词组 .1.(Perhaps the play has )begun already.2.(Will you let me )leave the table please?给出括号中形容词的正确形式,必要时加上than.(形容词的比较级和最高级)1.It is _____ I was born in the Year 1632,in the City of York,of a good Family,tho' not of that Country1.请问有“be born in the year+年代”这种说法吗?如果没有,那么省略了什么?2.为什么这些句子中有些普通名词要大写呢?3.这里 为什么What kind of clothes do they want to wear 和What kinds of accidents do you know of中kind为什么一个加s一个不加s And, to what lengths can or should we go to make ourselves more beautiful? 为什么用can or should should people have surgery to make themselves more beautiful? 希望英语希望之星大赛作文:Hanjiang River in 2050、What can you do to make Hanzhong more beautiful还有二个:My hapy family 、 How can you help your parents with the housework 急,这四篇都要写,实在不行两篇,加上翻译,要 英语、、、、、、、、 We will do all we can to relieve (缓解) the symptoms of the patients:that is our______. 把这些句子补充完整,使它变成倒装句式要倒装句哦~~1.The person with whom___was a good friend of mine.2.The house in which___was far away from my work.3.The company for which__was founded five years ago.4.The address to which___was He is one of famous (music)in China. 这句话是不是倒装了,为什么要倒装呢? Yang Zhenning is one of _____(famous) scientists in China.我用了"famous"对不对?为什么? That sounds interesting.(改写同义句) That sounds _ _. Where do you think___ fromA/does she come B.is she C.she comes D.she is come Where do you think you 在新概念第一册129课那里的. The boys kept playing football _________ it was raining hard.A.but B.until C.after D.though选D我知道,B为什么不行?麻烦解释清楚点, Where do you think can I get such an interesting storybook?还是Where do you think I can get such an interesting storybook?为什么? Do you think where I can get some work to do?这种格式可以?where do you think I can get some work to do?这种我知道可以不用告诉我这种,我只求上面的正确与否 where do you think i can put the box和where do you think can i put the box,哪个对,为什么?