
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 08:25:51
水钟表怎么做 berry什么意思 党员思想汇报 什么是水缘钟 党员思想汇报关于司机 The supermarket is open every day from7:00a.m.to8:00p.m.The workers there are very good.中文 哪位朋友有joan armatrading的it could have been better的MP3麻烦发给我, ok let's有这样的用法吗? 有一首歌中间有ok let's go是女生唱的,英文歌,比较有名,歌曲中间有一段唱着唱着好像卡壳了一样的感觉,就是一句歌词唱了好几遍,感觉像卡壳一样,谁知道是什么歌啊不是啊,那个ok,let's go是别 请问有首歌 高潮部分 好像是 Let‘s OK 是什么歌 it's mine 什么意思? 英语单词"mine"的用法 It is impossible,____?a.is it b.isn't it C.will you D.won't it My God!It is impossible,impossible\x14 but it is impossible isn't it? 介词后面加两个并列的动词短语,两个动词都用ing形式吗?he is in charge of manufacturing food and ensuring food quality.他负责制作食品,保证食品质量.制作和保证两个动词都用ing形式吗? OK..Let's go go go `喜欢选谁就谁! OK let's go记的有首歌女声唱的上来第一句就是 ok let's go具体名字我忘了就是今年的2月份流行过有点类型慢摇风格哪位大哥知道我去MP3找一下 大洋洲国家中,属于第二次世界大战以前独立的国家共有多少个? Let it go. It's ok to be not ok.是啥意思呢? be动词填空 let's ________quiet .ok. Let's ( )friends.OK.A be B becomes C made D put 有英语高手吗?帮我看看这些空该填什么谢谢你们了.高手~~嘻嘻!用正确形式填空Friendship is the relationship between persons_____(关系词)can help each other in need and who have much____common.Friendship can make people h 澳大利亚是什么之国 这个空咋填?英语问题!the advertisement has a P.O. Box nuber and ___says that her husband is a good man.he does not smoke and drink填it , she or this 这文章是个女士的广告,他知道自己要死了,想为自己的丈夫与儿子找 Australia是什么国家 英语 帮我看看 我空着的. Jenny often has dinner with her mother on Fridays.(用this coming Friday 改写) Friday是星期五,friday是星期五吗?一小时以内 _____people in the world send and receive e-mail every day.A million of B many millions of C several million of Dseveral millions谢谢 ________people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.如题 ________people in the world are sending information by e-mail every day.A.several B.many millions C several millions D many million The shop o_ early on Fridays.