
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 14:34:04
一道英语填空题 Do you know the r( )answer? 根据首字母填空同上,谢谢! As known to everyone that r--- in the eyes is bad for our eyes i'm zhang xiaoming 改为一般疑问句,和做否定回答,这两个句子该怎么说? Im' zhang xiaoming.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Do you know ________?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊A. what time does he have lunch B. what time he has lunch C. what time will he have lunch D. what time has he had lunch there was a man played piano in a bar.这句话play有问题吧? 绅士英文怎么写 "绅士"的英文单词怎么写?请问一下绅士的英文单词什么写啊帮个忙有很重要的事 绅士的英文 绅士的英文如何拼写 The boy led the blind man by the arm to cross the street.为什么是the street 这里是特指吗? The girl led the blind woman( )the arm to the other sade of the road.A.byD.with为什么选A不选D? 求一篇1000字左右的检讨书,没做作业的, As a newcomer to the family,she is always paying attention to___she can behave more appropritely indaily life.A.how B.which C,that D.what 是不是选HOW ---What makes you upset?---I think that Tom must have deliberately told everyone about my mark after promising no to,_____?A.didn't he B.hasn't he为什么不选B呢?当must翻译成“肯定”的时候,不是把句子改成I am sure that Tom have d what makes you so upset?losing the game to my sister这句是什么意思? ——What makes mum so upset? ——___from school,I think. 是Tom is absent还是Tom's being absent为什么? 将下列陈述句改写为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答. 1.I am Zhang Jing——— ———— 2.He is Ben—— ——3.They are Kangkang and Bob_____ _____4.We are Jim and Tim____ _____ 如何写班规 this is a photo _____the classroom(填空) 毛泽东提出中国革命要走农村包围城市、武装夺取政权的道路,是在什么时期 学泰语,越南语,还是缅甸语更好?我现在上高二,因为自己想以后从事这种小语系的工作,所以想着手学一门.准备上了大学以后就选小语种系继续攻读.我自己偏好泰语,因为自己接触泰语比较多 毛泽东提出中国革命要走农村包围城市·武装夺取政权的道路,这标志着 泰语 越南语 印尼语那个就业前景好?我是学旅游管理的 这几样语种请问那个比较好 麻烦说出原因好不? —What activity dia you have in our English party?—Our teacher had us _______English songsA.to sing B.sang C.singing D.sing 真想一个不小心与你白头偕老英文怎么说? why don't you sing an english song?(改为同义句?)( )( )singing an english song? I believe that t_ Chinese medicine is better than western mdeicine. 2011年12月四级作文我是围绕戒烟来写意志力的.算跑题吗第一段写的是戒烟成功的原因,写了两点原因,有一点就是需要意志力;第二段戒烟不成功的原因,又写了两点原因,其中一点就是他们没 西游记 JOURNEY TO THE WEST怎么样 请问执子之手白头偕老英文怎么说啊看到有人问这个问题,想问怎么翻,谢谢zxddsr翻译得很好,谢谢,我想看看有没有对称的像原文一样的翻译啊 执子之手,白头偕老.一生平安,生死相许.用英语回答?