
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 14:07:38
中国古代医圣是 I appreciate _____ me the favor.A.you should doB.you to doC.that you doingD.your doing I really appreciate____to relax with you in this beautiful country.A.to have had time B.having time C.to have time D.to having time选什么理由~ introduce a slope to the arbitrage schedule.怎么翻译交易成本 will be to produce an "indifference band" around the parity line rather than to introduce a slope to the arbitrage schedule.主要是slope ,arbitrage schedule 在这里什么意思? 谁是医圣 I started very early yesterday morning _ late for the train.A.not in order to be B.so that not to be C.in order not to be D.to not be __is his main job.A.to introduce each guest B.Introducing each guest C.Introduce each guest D.D,A或B I told them not everybody could run as fast as you didnt 这句是复合句吗?反问部分为什么是 didnti 而不是 didnt you呢? I do't know any of 我想知道这个ANY怎么解释 ANY在否定句或疑问句中不是解释为一些吗 那为什么不是我不认识他们中的一些人 而是全部否定呢 如果解释为任何一个 不是应该肯定句中吗 28.I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did,_____?A.could heB.didn’t IC.didn’t youD.could they a house laying by the river可以这么用吗把laying改成standing呢为什么 he is no more a spy than you or I他同你和我一样都是间谍?是这个意思呢?还是别的? he is no more than a boy of twelve.该句该如何理解. Peter and Pan Qiang are___ ___(孪生兄弟) are,you and your brother,your shopping trip,enjoying,how 连词组句 怎么组 问english is a kind of major which can communicating well with many people from different country是can communivating well with .还是can communication well with 相信世界末日的.会黑夜3天3夜.,你们是不是没有读过书啊.太阳分为自转和公转,连这一点点常识都不会吗.你们是不是白痴 蛋白质. 为什么在河边要写成by the river?为什么要用by 2012是真的吗,会是三天黑夜吗, 2012如果有三天黑夜,那么会有空气吗? 锁相环可以实现分数倍频率? it was cloudy the day___yeaterday?用适当的介词填空 if you are not drave,you will lose your last chance(保持原句意思不变)---------you are ---------,you will lose your last chance HAVE OU TAKEN OUT YOUR LICENCE FOR RADIO的中文意思是信封上的信息该信息是盖在信封的邮票上 In so far as he speaks of economics,the eminentanthropologist is not alone in his conviction that the science stands in needof rehabilitation.His words convey a rebuke and an admonition,and in bothrespects he speaks the sense of many scientists in hi on the river 和by the river有什么区别?是不是都译为‘在河边’? to,l,a,draw,know,spuare,how(.) by the riverside与by the river区别 连词成句:to,I,a,draw,spuare,how(.) 连词成句:show to me draw can how plane you a Don't organize the children's play all the time,( ) them to their own resourcesA ask B advise C lead D leave 1、let me -------------- you how -----------------to our school.A.to tell;to getB.tell;to getC.to tell;arriveD.tell;arrive