
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 07:57:25
Film or Book,which do you like IN English!only 100 word. 英文求教Do you like this book?改成进行时 ( )__your help,i passed the examination without any difficulty.A.Because of B.owing to C.Due to D.Thanks to 哈哈,上面没有空间写了所以选项写在问题补充里面……不过还请高人指点!我现在没有悬赏分了,但还是希望 选择_____your help ,I passed the examination without any difficulty._____your help ,I passed the examination without any difficulty.A,Because of B,Owing to C,Due to D,Thanks to要怎么理解呢? "I met him in the street yesterday"改为强调句该怎么改题目已经给出:_____ ______yesterday______I met him in the street I met a friend of ______ yesterday.选择 mother 还是 mother's 五笔拼音翻译成文字 PVLKDGOKCNQEPDCWQI 五笔拼音翻译rawhnyvortdnngfhwrvbcwkct 跪求大神翻译! quite的用法 quite是“很、非常”的意思.例如:Ann is quite pretty.安妮长得很漂亮.可是,同样是这个意思的例句,为什么是和“很、非常”正好相反的意思?例句:He's quite handsome.他不太漂亮.应该是 quite的用法 quite和very的用法quite a adj.n单数a very adj.n单数如果n是复数或不可数呢?是不是就一样了? He said,"I went to the supermarket yesterday."变间接引语直接引语转为间接引语 quite 的用法quite an expensive placequite a fewquite a little 的区别 谁知道i know lol u ar in china where do u live exactly 什麽意思? crystal可以做英文名吧?如题~ Crystal(中文意思:水晶)可不可以做英文名,男名还是女名 用museum,telling,for,me,way,the,to,the,thanks连词成句 I【】is next to China.It is also a big country Is there a restaurant near here ? No,there isn't什么意思,书上的,不理解 英语作文《my favourite international city》六十个字左右 不用谢的几种表达当时,英文,you are welcome,that's all right,还有啥 英语中``hope``与``wish``的区别是什么? 英文中hope和wish有什么区别吗? 英语中hope,wish的区别 A barking dog never bites. 谚语A barking dog never bites 什么意思 我想问个英语问题,关于I wish I hopeI wish后面是不是只能用一般过去时 能不能用一般现在时 同理I hope My favourite city remains Beijing because of the history,culture,chaos,scale,people etc.,although for sheer beauty and splendour one would be hard pressed to go past the Li River area and the south western area of China.意思 写一篇叫《my favorite city is beijing》的英语作文 my favourite city ---BeiJing my favourite city ---BeiJing希望能给我一个英语短文my favourite city ---BeiJing 用英语和汉语帮我分析个句形 Qu'est-ce que c'est?法语真的好难啊 offìce lady用英文解释中文解释我也会额。还有offìce lady与businesswoman有什么不同。