
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/24 11:36:40
一首英文歌曲 女的唱的 里面有很多句 tell me what you with me歌词很简单的 有说唱夹杂其中的 都是这个女孩的声音不是tell me what you want 节奏比较舒缓的 还是谢谢那位 一首轻快的英文歌,歌词中有tell me what to belive ...tell me what to you see 不知道叫什么名字 求一首歌 歌词:.do you believe it.只听清得这一句 是在健体风尚录相中听到的 有崴的那一期 节奏是这样的 do you believeit that.听起来是这样 麻烦好心人帮我查一查 我找不到.是一个男的唱的 健 鄙人英文名为Lavender.求昵称.现实中的目前根据昵称构词法想出4个,求发音音标1,Laven2.Lavy3,Lavvie4ven 但感觉都不是很满意.谁能在帮我想几个?表示鄙人很闷骚,不大爱说话,但本身是个比较疯的人. B. This story is about a young man.He worked hard at his lessons.He was too busy.He didn’t havThis story is about a young man.He worked hard at his lessons.He was too busy.He didn’t have time to rest,so he was ill.Every night,when this story is the famousest in china哪错了 快 “this is not a love story,it's story about love” - ----you read the story -Yes.I ----it at school.A.Have ;read B .Did ;read C.Have ;have readD.Did ; have read 请问哪个答案正确?为什么? Can you talk about the story you have read which impress you most?以上为主题 ,两人对话 长短大概4分钟 1 i have ______ read the story ,so i know nothing about it 2 Have you ______watched the film.No请在括号里填already yet just ever never before I'd like to have more children's magazines ______ A to read B to reading C to read about D reading并说出理由 have you read the advertisement which---a reporter?A asking to B asks for Casked about D to ask for说理由 是什么从句 疯狂英语背单词3 疯狂英语背单词2 疯狂英语背单词1 英语背单词有什么好方法?好记忆方法? Tom and Mike are good friends.They are k___ to c___.They want to find summer j___.One day Tom tellsOne day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Sunmer Camp n____ help w____ music,s____and computer.They are b _____ glad to hear this.Tom can play basketba My young sister has read about one hundred stories --the end of last TERM 填什么和理由可是老师给的答案是since ,我一开始就是写的,by,老师说是错的 英语翻译It’s really about Rose’s character,about the example she sets of how a young woman deals with issues of identity and societal suppression of her individuality.All girls go through it to some extent.They can relate to her. Tom and (I/me)are good friend 英语翻译睡谷传说全文翻译` Tom and jane are good()(friend) 英语周报里the legend of the palm tree短文翻译 Tom and I___good friends.用are还是is Leggendadelpianistasull'oceano,La 是《海上钢琴师》的英文翻译吗?那The legend of 1900 英文legend of the fall用中文怎么翻译? 求翻译The Legend of Sleepy Hollow这一段Ichabod's hair stood straight up. It was too late to run, and in his fear, he did the only thing he could. His shaking voice broke the silent valley. "Who are you?" The thing did not answer. Ichabod asked Men of God 和goddess SpeciaL love for speaciaL you 意思 Goddess of Moon是什么意思,谢谢了 I especially love give special for minister of justice是什么意思?