
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 17:11:17
为什么在always前有时加be动词而有时不加呢 always 之前可以有be动词吗 英语always的前面一定要加be动词吗?如果不是那在什么时候用,什么时候不用 you may think it's easy for your parents to use them,but it is difficult for you.是什毛意思 i think it is bad manners to run __ your parents.a.off b.over c.down d.out请解释一下这四个词语的意思 “美术字”的英文怎么说? 我想练习写英文美术字,就是看上去很帅的那种我在济南,请问哪有卖字帖的吗 一直是我的的英文 always be mine?"(你)一直是我的"的英文 是"always be mine"吗?如果不是的话应该是什么? F.T island 的 Always be mine 歌词中文意思?本站歌词来自互联网I hear you breathYou’re lying close to me The shadows goneI`m found my peaceOooh You make me calm With you I’m safe from hamAnd right by your sideI’ll stay thru might we want buy them some cds哪错了 英语好的进.go to seaside要不要加thego to seaside要不要加the怎么看到有的地方要加,有的地方不加呀 猜地名:1.Ships go to the sea.2.You can see two suns in the south . go to (the)space 要不要加the 能不能帮我具体讲一讲go to the 和go to的区别? go to the movies还是go to movies They said they would leave------Joe tonight?A.whether B.or C.if D.when理由?翻译?不好意思,题打错了,把最后一个单词tonight改为stayed. 1.They___to the cinema tonight because they are rather busy nowA. don't go B.didn't go C.won't go D. haven't gone2.If you___ the painting carefully , you can see yhat it represents a human figureA. look after B look out of C. look at D. loo 英语翻译根据jixianlei 那么在这里always是要解释成以前?我们early只学到“早”这种意思,always是“总是”的意思。根据我们的实际情况课本的短问应该是配套的,只能解释成那种意思``(我 I'd rather not _____ television tonight.A.watching B.to watch C.watch D.watched 英语翻译 They( )be free tonight.括号里用not的适当形式填空 always be always see翻译always be always see怎么翻译?如果有最好把Nocturne神秘园的这首歌翻译一下 such as 后面加乐器加不加the such as后面的名字要加a,an,或the吗?或者变复数?如这句话,我会用一些设备,例如:MP3,数码相机,手机.I can use some devices,such as mp3 player,digital camera,mobile phone. 请问The rise in divorce as such这句中,as such指的具体是什么呢?On the other hand,the increase in divorce rates and the concomitant increase in single-parent households represent a much more dramatic transition in our times.The rise in div 英语完形填空明天交保证对拜托大家dear maric,how are you in the uk?do you want to know my _26_ for the winter holiday?i usually _27_ my winter holiday in xi'an,_28_ this year i;m going to visit my _29_ in shanghai.she's my father's sist 请写出含有近义词的四字词,含有反义词的四字词,含有比喻的四字词,含有夸张的四字词. 同桌这次期中语文科没考好.该怎么安慰他呀? 为什么我同桌的同桌语文考五十分?他叫李洋洋! 同桌小红自己认为语文考得不够理想,有很多地方因为马虎而失分,所以感到很难过,作为同桌,你打算怎样安慰她今天要, 你的同桌因为语文考试成绩不理想,坐在那里哭泣,请你去安慰她,你会怎么说呢 Please don't doubt my love for you,I love you.