
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/19 19:17:05
And just as you halt and you turn and you start to leaveAnd just as you halt and you turm and you start to leave you hear them words echoing almost haunting that taunting ring Really want to hold your hand ,all the way to accompany my favorite people ,walk,wood.亲们 walk wood 什么意思啊? In order to heop the animals ,TKCP first had to communicate with the local people who shared thekangaroos' environment.翻译成中文, two people start off to walk directly away from each other.they each walk for 4 kilometers thenturn directly to their right and walk for another 3 far apart are they? he wrote just one 与 he wrote only one 翻译 you are the ONLY one ..but you didn‘t know什么意思? Very __(gentle),the baby said to her mother,"I love you,Mummy." 真走运一元云购靠什么赚钱呢? 一元云购有几个 求好用的复读机,成年人用来学习英语的,有基础复读机的牌子,型号,希望是能插卡的或者插U盘,最差的就求用光碟的,可以一句一句复读.其他不懂,但是希望好用不复杂.以前用过步步高的,但是 初中生学英语用什么好,PM3 还是复读机?有三个小侄女上初中了,准备给她们买个学习英语的工具.想买MP3,但是他们的很多都是磁带,小孩子也不怎么会下载东西听.想买复读机,担心他们以后一直 on arriving at the hotel,i approached the r--- desk to check in s=t2*f(sin(t)),求s' (求导) we went in to the hotel but ididnot have my backpack 变一般疑问句 一道高等数学题的求解求解下面的题 jojo too little too late 中文歌词 找一首歌 too little late 第一 不是 JOJO的 第二部是brandy 的 ,R 只有一个TOO 没有2个 ,男的唱的不是 是 too little late 也不是 Default 的 you的物主代词怎么读 Jane is ------(care) enough to do everything well. 根据提示写句子 He is very c--- and he believes he can do everything well. Mr Smith is a careless man.He can do everything well.改错. you物主代词 I heard your monther____ill yesterday.how____she now?A were;wasB was;isC are;wasD are;are Many people have married whose chances to do so were much inferior to Miss Martha's.Many people have married whose chances to do so were much inferior to Miss Martha's.这句话to do 怎么回事?,so were much 已知无穷等比数列An的前n项和为Sn,若limSn(n到正无穷)的极限=1/4,则其首项A1的取值范围是多少 英语翻译就是用worry 的ed和ing形势造句 若一个无穷等比数列an的前n项和为sn ,limsn=1/2,则首项的取值范围? 【200分悬赏】一道旋转体体积的问题,高等数学(一)关于旋转体 体积的一道题求y=x^2 y=x^1/2 ↑ ↑(y=x的平方) (y=x开根号)这两个函数,绕y轴旋转所形成的体积 ★★★我的问题:从函数图 There is nothing to do with me 是什么意思 Laughter is just a look.Nothing to do with the mood His work has ___ his health.The doctor suggests that he travel to the beach to have a holiday.1.affected 2.effected 3.caused 4.brought the doctor was p___when he heard that,and went away quite happily