
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 07:26:48
The person she _____ at the company meeting may be the director of the sales department.A.referred with B.referred to C.mentioned with D.mentioned toB和D的差别是什么? 跪求:一道地理题的详细解析!当解答题来做!(07年海南地理卷)我国某企业在伊斯兰堡(33.7°N,73.1°E)、利雅得(24.6°N,46.7°E)、东京(35.7°N,139.8°E)、悉尼(33.9°S,151.2°E)、底特律(42.4 一道英语单选题,How do you think _____dealtwith the broken machine.A.he has B.has he C.dose he have D.had he.请明白点讲下,重点讲下A,B的不同,为什么A而不是B老老师为什么说do you think是插入语呢? 16岁100米跑11秒20左右可以吗 我初三100米11-12秒 怎么样才能跑快? AQUALOVERS~DEEP into the night~歌词 跪求Into the white night 的歌词,发到私信或复制到下面 into the into the 最好有关于这个短语的句子,用法什么的... 谁有lost into the night 英语单选题(原因)The discovery of the new evidence led to _______.A.the thief having caught B.the thief being caught 英语单选题,要原因Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage___avoided.a.is to bec.will be 英语单选题(理由~)1.This is the house ( )he once lived ( )when he was a child.A.which ,in B.that,/ C.where,in D.which ,/2.My father ( )from home for about a year.A.has left B.has gone C.has away D.has been away3.Reding is ( ),but practing is al 如图,三角形ABC中,∠BAC=90度,AD垂直BC于D,CE平分∠ACB交AB于E,交ad于F,求证:∠AEF=∠AFE 在三角形ABC中,角ACB=90度,D在BC上,CF垂直AD于F,CE垂直AB于E,求证 角AFE=角B 在三角形ABC中,角ACB=90度,D在BC上,CF垂直AD于F,CE垂直AB于E,求证 角AFE=角B 孩子写作业很慢,怎么办? 孩子写作业超慢,怎么办 the writer often sat up far late into the night working (on a new novel为什么不用介词for 选择题If I can help ( )I don't like working late into the night.A so B that C it D them if I can help it ,I din't like woking too late 如何翻译 If I can help___,I don't like working late into the night.A.so.B.thatC.itD.them选C?这四项分别用于指代句子的那一部分? 远洋船舶是什么 船的3000总吨和3000吨有什么区别 远洋船舶是什么意思 已知三角形ABC中,DE平行BC在AB上取一点F,使三角形BFC面积=ADE面积,证AD2=AB*BF 3000吨级以上船舶昼夜通航是什么概念?3000吨级以上船舶昼夜通航可否满足大型制造业企业的运输需要?煤矿等矿产资源类企业呢? 有四个不同自然数总和是1001.如果让它们公约数尽可能大,那么,四个数最大一个数是 有四个互不相等的自然数,它们的和等于2008,如果要使这四个数的公约数尽可能大,那么这四个数中最大的那个数是多少? 现有四个自然数,它们的和是6666,如果要求这四个数的公约数尽可能地大,那么这四个公约数最大可能是多少? 孩子写作业太慢怎么办? The secretary worked late into the night ,(preparing) a long speech for the president.为什么括号内不能用prepared? The secretary worked late into the night to make sure everything is perfect tomorrow.is是不是应该改成will be